
时间:2021-02-01 17:35:11 来源:网络

【摘要】 今年过年许多人决定不回家,可是孩子怎么办?考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年大学英语六级1月翻译练习:直播课”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年大学英语六级1月翻译练习:直播课”的内容吧!


如今,在线教育因其“快速”“便捷”“内容多样”等特点备受家长和孩子们的欢迎。在线教育正在如火如荼地发展,目前最流行的教育产品形态是直播(live streaming)。在线教育发展到如今,课堂形式早已不是冰冷死板(rigid)的“老师讲,学生听”的单向输出,各种多样化的学习方式使课堂活跃,不输线下课堂中面对面的沟通交流。老师们可以根据教学节奏和课堂状况,适时发出互动邀请,从而最大程度地调动学生们的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。


Today, online education is popular with parents and children because of its quickness, convenience and diverse content. Online education is in full swing, and the most popular form of educational products now is live streaming. Nowadays, with the development of online education, the class has come a long way from being a one-way activity in which the teacher gives the talk while the students are listening, which is cold and rigid. Various diversified learning methods make the classroom active and are no less effective than face-to-face communication in the offline classroom. Teachers can invite students to interactive classroom activities in a timely manner according to the teaching rhythm and classroom situation, so as to maximize students' enthusiasm for the class and create an active classroom atmosphere.


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