
时间:2021-01-29 11:02:00 来源:网络

【摘要】 雅思写作老是拿不到高分,逻辑关系怎么理清楚?考必过小编为大家整理了关于“雅思写作:2021年雅思写作考试中的逻辑关系”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“雅思写作:2021年雅思写作考试中的逻辑关系”的内容吧!


在雅思写作考试中逻辑关系是重要的体现,常见的论证方法有举例论证,因果论证。因果关系的表达中大家最熟悉的莫过于because / so,还有很多其它表示因果关系的表达,比如:


1. because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。

2. as / since (除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)

3. thanks to (positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)

due to (negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)

owing to / attributable to /on account of

4.当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that / due to the fact that / owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ......

5. caused by / result from 也表原因。


1. thus/ therefore / thereby / hence

thus: 表示‘in this/that way’

therefore: 表示 ‘for this reason’ /‘because of this or that’

thereby: by that means, as a result of that

hence: 表示 ‘from this/that’

2. as a result / as a consequence

3. consequently /accordingly

consequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决


1. cause (of sth)/ reason 原因

Obesity can be divided into three main causes – diet, lifestyle and education.

2. result (for sth)/ effect 结果

Another result is lack of self-esteem.

3. causality 因果关系(cause and effect) causation 原因

The correlation between population and housing price does not indicated causality, only the association.

4. impact/influence 影响

This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impacton your life.


表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和 factor, element 结合

1. causal 原因的,因果的

Low income and elderly are among the potential causalfactors of prevalence of obesity among adults.

2. consequential 结果的,随之发生的

Measures other than ratings will prove more consequential.

3. influential 影响的,有影响力的(大多数情况下使用第二个意思)

Family is the most influential factor on happiness.



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