
时间:2021-01-18 16:15:25 来源:网络

【摘要】 2021年1月16日雅思考试结束,考必过小编为大家整理了关于“雅思写作:2021年1月16日雅思写作思路分析”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“雅思写作:2021年1月16日雅思写作思路分析”的内容吧!




In many countries students who leave high school have no understanding of how to manage their money. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them how to manage personal finance?




living standard /standard of living 生活标准

material life 物质生活

raise 养育

affluent/wealthy/better-off 富有的、富足的

take everything for granted 认为一切都是理所当然

extra-curricular activities 课外活动

concerted effort 齐心协力

realize the value of money 认识到钱的价值

piggy bank 储蓄罐

open a bank account 开银行账户

keep track of 记录

make a budget 做预算

exchange unused items 交换不用的物品

incorporate… into … 将…加入/吸纳

参考范文 High school graduates do not know money management, reasons and solutions?

It is common that many high school graduates do not know how to manage their money. In this essay, I will analyze some possible reasons and offer my suggestions on how to solve this problem.

As a result of improved living standards, most families have become wealthier than before, making it possible for them to provide children with better lives materially. Born and raised in a well-to-do family while living in an affluent society, teenagers today take everything for granted and spend money without consideration. Most of them just focus on academic learning and extra-curricular activities in their daily lives, while education relevant to money management is missing both at home and school.

Teaching children how to manage money is an important task, which requires the concerted effort of both parents and school. The first step is perhaps for parents to buy a piggy bank for small children and open a bank account for teens. Parents should make children realize the value of money and understand that money is not an unlimited resource. Children need to learn to keep track of their consumption and make a budget as early as possible.

Introducing some finance-related courses in high school is probably a good way to teach teenagers practical skills in managing their money. Some tips can be taught to students about how to spend money and save money wisely, such as comparing prices on the web before making the payment and exchanging unused items with their friends. If high school could incorporate money management into the curriculum, young people would be more capable of managing their money after they leave school.


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