
时间:2021-01-13 17:02:36 来源:网络

【摘要】 中国已经成为智能手机和个人电脑的最大消费国。考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2021年大学英语六级1月翻译练习:电子产品”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“2021年大学英语六级1月翻译练习:电子产品”的具体内容吧!




Nowadays, China has become the world’s largest consumer of smartphones and personal computers. According to related data, by the end of last year, China’s smartphone market had become the biggest market of smartphone shipments around the world. Meanwhile, in the aspect of personal computer sales, 85.2 million computers were sold in China last year, which made China the biggest PC market overtaking the United States. The increase in the consumption of electronic products fully displays great changes in China’s market: the increase of financial resources and the improvement of consumers’ education. The lowering prices of electronic products are also regarded as one of the important reasons to attract Chinese consumers.


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