
时间:2020-12-24 14:29:28 来源:网络

【摘要】 黑夜即将结束,黎明终会来临,最后2天加油!考必过小编为大家整理了关于“考研必过!2021考研英语二(大作文)预测”的信息,下面我们就一起来看下“考研必过!2021考研英语二(大作文)预测”的具体内容吧!




Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

1)interpret the chart, and

2)give your comments

You should write about 150 words.



As can be seen from the above bar chart, volume of global electronic commerce transactions has increased gradually during the past 15 years. In 1997, it was almost 2 billion dollars, while the number reached 90 billion in 2005. By 2011, the number jumped dramatically to 300 billion dollars, 150 times more than that of 1997.

Why is electronic commerce booming nowadays? Several causes contribute to this phenomenon. Above all, the availability of computer is the foremost contributor and the rapid development of information technology enables nearly everybody to have access to the computer and Internet. Nowadays, the Internet is no longer a stranger to common people. What is more, the Internet technology is becoming increasingly mature. People who at first do not trust business transactions online now become convinced that electronic commerce is extremely convenient and efficient. Last but not least, electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distances. It makes it possible to do business at home and it saves time and unnecessary formalities as well. That is why it is preferable to traditional commerce.

Booming electronic commerce undoubtedly contributes to the prosperity of world economy and it also gives birth to SOHO, a special group of people working at home. The trend towards a promising e-commerce is inevitable. Accordingly, let’s get prepared to embrace this irreversible tendency.






1.The Internet technology has undergone eye-catching development and is becoming more and more advanced.互联网技术不断飞跃,越来越先进。2.The Internet exerts a far-reaching influence on all aspects of human life, and has extended its antennae into every corner of the globe.互联网应用和传递的范围更广,对人类社会的方方面面产生深远的影响。

3.The Internet is an irresistible historical trend and a fashion, which we should embrace without hesitation and meets the needs of our past-paced modern life.互联网是时髦的选择和历史的必然,我们应该毫不犹豫去接受它,它满足了现代人快节奏的生活。



In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following diagram. Describe the diagram and analyze the possible causes. You should write at least 150 words.


会计硕士:Master of Professional Accounting


The diagram above clearly illustrates that dramatic elevation has occurred in the recruitment of Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc) from 2010 to 2016. In 2010, the number was at a low level, only about 10,000. Surprisingly, within no more than seven years it reached to more than 40,000 in 2016.

Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. First and foremost, China has become particularly active in economy, which leads to the increasing demand of qualified accountants. In addition, the development of job market on the whole cannot keep pace with the expansion of college graduates, which obliges a large number of students to stay on campus for another three years to get better prepared for their career. Last but not least, working pressure is another reason. Taking all these factors into account, we may predict that with speedy development of our society, the number of recruitment of MPAcc will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.

On the other side of the coin, however, this tendency may bring about a good many problems, such as the waste of talent. It is necessary for us to take effective measures to ensure this situation doesn’t get out of hand, and encourage students to choose majors with theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will be demanded in the job market.






1. The challenges Chinese education system faces are enormous by world standards.从世界标准来看,中国教育体制面临的挑战是巨大的。

2.The education system, like every other system, is always open to improvement and it is up to the teachers to continually seek the most effective teaching techniques.和其他体制一样,教育体制要经常改进,而且教师们要不断地寻找最有效的教学方法。

3.Teaching foreign languages needs to focus more on the practical use of the language rather than just teaching to pass written exams.外语教学需要重视语言的实际应用能力,而不是只教学生如何通过书面考试。



Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1)interpret the chart, and

2)give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



It is apparent from the line graph that the number of times of Chinese art groups performing in the U.S. and American movies shown in China both increased between 2010 and 2016. During the seven years, the data of Chinese art groups performing in the U.S. jumped from 100 to 460, whereas the statistics of American films shown in our country has been on a steady rise from 50 to 180, a rise of 130.

Firstly, the fact that people from different countries are attracted to mysterious Chinese culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared internationally. Secondly, a nation’s unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the trend of globalization becomes irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.

It is my view that national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to advocate international culture because those ideas from the other cultures, controversial or even absurd at first sight, can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world in the long run. Nevertheless, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side. Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world multidimensional, colorful and vigorous.






1.Over the course of thousands of years, the Chinese people have created their own unique customs and traditions, and passed them on from one generation to the next.在几千年的历程中,中国人民创造了他们独特的习俗和传统,并把它们一代代传给后人。

2.In recent decades, however, some people have become increasingly concerned thatChina's cultural heritage could become marginalized or even disappear entirely. 然而最近几十年来,一些人已越来越担心中国的文化遗产可能会边缘化或者完全消失。

3.Whether through kung fu schools in New York, the United States or Chinese calligraphy exhibits at the Museum in Paris, France, many people around the world now have the chance to learn about China’s 5,000-year-old culture, ensuring that its reach and influence extend well beyond China’s own boarders.无论是通过美国纽约的武术学校,还是法国巴黎博物馆的书法展,现在世界上很多人都有机会了解中国五千年的文化。



Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1)interpret the chart, and

2)give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



The line chart above illustrates clearly the data of gymnasiums and people doing exercises in a certain city between 2014 and 2016. As is revealed in the curve, the statistics of people doing exercises have been on a steady rise from one million to two million, while the number of gyms increased considerably from 600 to 860, a rise of 260.

Two factors contribute to this tendency. In the first place, with the quickening pace of urban life, people are suffering ever-increasing pressure. Thus, gymnasiums in mounting numbers have been built by departments concerned, aiming to help people relax their body and mind. In the second place, the desire for good health is universal. People respectively choose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as their regular exercise since exercise never fails to make us stronger and more energetic.

As far as I am concerned, I have a peculiar interest in yoga exercise. An hour’s exercise every day usually makes me feel healthier and more vigorous. Besides, I never touch any cigarette or wine, neither do I stay up late. Instead, I keep balanced diet and go to bed before 11 o’clock at night, because I believe burning the midnight oil is harmful to health. More importantly, an optimistic attitude toward life makes me confident and persistent. To sum up, all these practices guarantee a healthy and a happy life.






1.Mental health is often difficult to recognize and even more difficult to treat if a person doesn’t realize they have problems.心理健康一般很难发现,如果人们不知道自己有心理问题,那么治疗心理问题就难上加难。

2.A contented person tends to be a happy person who has sorted out the priorities in their life and have a sense of purpose.知足的人很幸福,因为他们会安排好生活中的轻重缓急,而且有自己的目标。

3.To be psychologically healthy, one needs to be realistic in facing problems and not afraid to seek help when it is needed.要保持心理健康,就应该现实地面对问题,并且在需要帮助时用于求助。



Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1) effect of the country’s growing population on its wildlife,2) possible reason for the effect,3) Your suggestion for wildlife protection.


Currently, there is a widespread concern regarding the previously neglected connection between growing human population and decreasing wild species. As the two graphs obviously portrayed, American population in 1980 was 250 times than that in 1800, a trend accompanied by a trend: the number of extinct wildlife had soared to 70 from 1600 to 1900.

There are a great many causes responsible for the aforementioned tendency. To begin with, to satisfy the space demand for booming population, the only available solution for Americans is to occupy forests and grasslands that used to be the habitat of wild animals and plants. In addition, the process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destroys the environment and ecosystem.

In my point of view, the reduction of wild species today forecasts an unpromising future for humans tomorrow. In order to eliminate species extinction, relevant laws and regulations must be established and enforced to maintain a large portion of unspoiled areas. Drastic measures should also be applied to alleviate the impact of pollution.






1.Protecting the environment in big cities will involve strict control and monitoring of the air quality.为了保护环境,在大城市将对空气质量进行严格控制和监控。

2.The main target will be industrial pollution of the atmosphere and the high levels of pollution caused by vehicle exhausts.主要目标是控制大气工业污染和汽车尾气引起的大量污染。

3.Continued actions will be aimed at maintaining a clean air policy by reducing pollution through increased standards.我们应该不断提高标准,采取措施减少污染,以保持这个城市清新的空气。



Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive your comments.

You should write about 150 words.



Increasingly, it has become common for university students to take on part-time jobs or even start their own businesses prior to graduation. From the information given in the pie chart, we can see the survey on the reasons for starting one’s own business among college students at a certain university. Those whose ideals are to become entrepreneurs account for 44% of the total, the biggest among all the five categories, while those who could not find suitable jobs account for 15%.

As long as students are cautious, real-world entrepreneurial experience can greatly benefit their future careers. Above all, students who launch their own business can gain valuable insight into their future career paths. Some students may even choose to switch majors as the result of insight gained from work experience or entrepreneurial activities. In addition, regardless of whether a student succeeds or fails in a business venture, the mere fact of having work experience will come in handy when seeking a full-time job after graduation. Employers will regard these students with such experience as more ambitious, hard-working and mature than graduates who lack it. However, despite the benefits to students of “getting their feet wet” in the business world, it is crucial that they maintain academic studies as a top priority.

Ultimately, every student must decide how best to allocate his or her time outside of class. Indeed, many college-goers are wary of venturing into the real world until absolutely necessary. However, for those with a manageable schedule, exploratory mind and entrepreneurial spirit, work experience prior to graduation can offer important career benefits—not to mention a paycheck.






1.As long as the planned business enterprise allows the student to continue their studies it could provide some valuable experience.只要创业不会中断、影响学生的学业,它就会为学生提供宝贵的经验。

2.Starting a business while at college will create a conflict of priorities between studying and running the business.在校期间创业,求学与创业之间会产生矛盾,需要权衡二者孰轻孰重。

3.Starting a business that is related to a student’s course of study could have some benefits.如果学生的创业与所学专业相关,对他们来说还是有益处的。


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