
时间:2020-12-23 18:21:06 来源:网络

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2020年12月英语六级口语考试真题:克服孤独”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2020年12月英语六级口语考试真题:克服孤独”的内容吧!




克服孤独 overcome loneliness.


A: Do you ever feel lonely? I do feel lonely sometimes. It’s not a good feeling.

B: Yes, I know the feeling. Sometimes, even if not alone, I will often feel lonely, but I project my appearance was all okay. Perhaps, because of in the face of unknown future, a sense of helplessness and confusion always come to me.

A: In today’s busy world, many people suffer from loneliness. I’m hoping that I can share some positive advises that has helped me, and may just help you too. My proposal is to participate in various interest groups, such as dancing, writing, singing, sports etc. Through talking and communicating to other members, we all gain by the interchange of ideas, the swapping of experiences and the discussion of future hopes and aspirations.

B: I agree. We also need to give a vent to our feeling. Speak as much as possible to people who are empathetic. You may surprisingly find that there are indeed different situations that we all have to deal with, however, we all share a common human experience. We all feel the emotions of love, loneliness, fear, loss, and joy.

A: Yes that’s definitely true.

B: When you start to understand that other people have the same feeling with you, you can start to feel a lot closer to the outside. This is the way to begin to mend feelings of isolation and loneliness.

A: Yes, in this way we can regain more confidence and it could be easier for us to overcome any difficulties.

B: Anyway, to keep a positive attitude is the most important way.

A: I suddenly think of it, may be having a pet to care for is helpful to overcome lonely too. There are many benefits to owning a very loyal and loving pet such as a puppy or a cat.

B: Good idea.


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