
时间:2020-12-21 14:56:17 来源:网络

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoline and electricity.












Since a few centuries ago when humans discovered gasoline, coal and oil, humans have never stopped using them and the whole society even has become gradually dependent on them. However, the more we excavate, the less we will have, since they typically take several billion years to form underground. In this case, how to save the little energy we have has become a heated discussion. Some people believe the best thing that the government should do is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity.However, from my perspective, increasing the price of gasoline and electricity cannot be the best way to encourage energy conservation.

Admittedly, raising prices could discourage people from wasting energy to some extent. If the price remains low, people may not pay too much attention to it, since even using too much of them may not cost a fortune. In this case, the lights may remain on unnecessarily; people may leave air conditioning on even when they are not home; people may drive cars whenever they want, even when the destination may only be 5 minutes away. All of these will surely not help with energy conservation. In contrast, when the price of gasoline and electricity goes up, people will tend to think twice before they use air conditioning, or switch on lights or drive cars. Therefore, a price raise could help with energy conservation.But it would be wrong to argue that a price raise is the best way to encourage energy conservation, since there are better ways to achieve the goal, such as finding sustainable energy resources and inventing energy-saving products.

For one thing, finding sustainable energy resources could better help people save energy. It is because even after the price is raised, some people who don’t care that much about expense may still waste energy, which will not help with the situation. However, discovering new energy resources will make sure that all the people will save energy. For example, after adopting the policy of raising the price of gasoline, the rich people may still drive their cars whenever they want, since they have enough money to spend. In contrast, if a sustainable energy, such as ethanol is discovered and all the people are forced to burn ethanol for cars instead of gasoline, the goal of energy conservation could be met, since ethanol is produced by processing corn and people can get ethanol as long as they plant corns. In this case, even though the rich may not care about money and may want to drive their cars whenever they want, the use of ethanol will still force them to save energy.

For another, energy conservation plan will be difficult to carry out without energy-saving products. On the one hand, the government may promote energy conservation plans by raising the price of electricity; on the other hand, the products, such as light bulbs, washing machines, fridges, microwaves, air conditioners, etc., all tend to consume a large quantity of energy whenever they are used. In this case, even though people want to save energy, they just couldn’t do it, since everybody needs light, food, clean clothes, cool air, and so on. Thus, the price raise may not stop people from using those electric appliances and vehicle. Instead, it will only create a bigger burden to people, since they are supposed to pay more money for gasoline and electricity. However, the application of energy-saving products will make energy conservation much easier. For example, the energy-saving light bulbs which only cost half the electricity used now will be very attractive to people, since people will spend less on power and also this product will really make the energy conservation plan possible.

Though increasing the price of gasoline and electricity can help save energy to some extent, finding sustainable energy resources and creating energy-saving products are much better way to conserve energy. Therefore, a price raise cannot be the best way.


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