
时间:2020-12-18 18:01:04 来源:网络

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2020年12月19日雅思口语预测”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2020年12月19日雅思口语预测”的内容吧!


Part 2 Top 20高频话题

1. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time(长久的追求)

2. Describe a photograph of you that you like(一张照片)

3. Describe a prize that you received(获过的奖)

4. Describe a film that made you think a lot(让你深思的电影)

5. Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in(无聊的话题)

6. Describe a book you read that you found useful(有用的书)

7. Describe a short term job you went to have in a foreign country(国外短期工作)

8. Describe a time when you changed your opinion(改变看法)

9. Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language(第一次用外语)

10. Describe an occasion when you forgot something important(忘记重要的事情)

11. Describe an event you experienced in which you didn’t like the music played(不喜欢的音乐)

12. Describe a time when you wasted your time(浪费时间的场合)

13. Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting(喜欢的公共建筑)

14. Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again (城市)

15. Describe a place where you are able to relax(让你放松的地方)

16. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution(被污染的地方)

17. Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly(直率的人)

18. Describe an old friend that you got in contact again(重逢的老朋友)

19. Describe a person who taught you a skill when you were a child(小时候教你技能的人)

20. Describe a friend who is a good leader(领导力强的朋友)


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