
时间:2020-11-23 13:53:15 来源:网络

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2020年11月英语四级考试语法预测试题”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2020年11月英语四级考试语法预测试题”的具体内容吧!


21、I still remember the day she first wore that pink dress.

A.on which B.on that C.in which D.which

22、Do you know the reason she got so angry yesterday ?

A.why B.which C.for that D.for why

23、Is some German friends visited last week ?

A.this school where B.this school one C.this the school D.this school

24、Is there any one in your class family is in the city.

A.whose B.which C.who’s D.who

25、Can you lend me the book the other day ?

A.which you talked B.that you talked C.about that you talked D.you talked about

21、A 22、A 23、C 24、A 25、D

26、This is one of the best films this year.

A.which has been shown B.that have been shown

C.that have shown D.have been shown

27、Do you know the man ?

A.that I spoke B.I spoke to C.to who I spoke D.whom I spoke

28、There are two thousand students in our school, are girls.

A.two-thirds in which B.two-thirds in them

C.two-thirds of them D.of whom two thirds

29、I have bought two ball-pens, writes well.

A.neither of them B.none of them

C.neither of which D.none of which

30、He built a telescope he could study the skies.

A.by it B.through which C.with that D.in which

26、B 27、B 28、D 29、C 30、B

31、Do you know the reason he was late?

A.for which B.for what C.which D.that

32、 has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules.

A.As B.That C.What D.Which

33、John got beaten in the game, had been expected.

A.who B.what C.that D.as

34、They’re invented me to their party, is kind of them.

A.this B.that C.which D.as

35、Crusoe’s dog became ill and died, made him very lonely.

A.this B.that C.which D.as

31、A 32、A 33、D 34、C 35、C


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