
时间:2020-11-09 15:40:49 来源:网络

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于“2020年11月7日雅思听力部分”的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下“2020年11月7日雅思听力部分”的具体内容吧!


Part 1 音乐俱乐部


1. information is on the database

2. the main types of music offered: rock and jazz

3. once a month

4. price for adult: 45

5. current member's number: 750

6. legal advice

7. recording 也有同学回忆为photo

8. rehearse in studio

9. address: kippax

10. doctor-talent@music.com

Part 2 答案缺失

Part 3 艺术品鉴定


21-24 选择

21. Why did John think Jackson Pollocks painting is fake

B. his work is complex

22. why initially John think 5 pounds is fake

C. lack of documentation

23. why international foundation reject 5 pounds?

A. the material applied

24. 题目缺失

B. scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting

25-30. 流程匹配表

25. use D. laser beam to scan and mark for 3D model of the building

26. use F. thermal-graph camera for different wall materials

27. space for holding H. glass windows

28. use E. radar detection as to find there are two walls

29. finding: inner wall is made of G. stone

30. use B. gamma ray for wall material extra information

Part 4 英国智能建筑


31. law firm

32. cigar

33. footprint

34. glass

35. light

36. nature

37. air-conditioning

38. lung

39. clubroom

40. city


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