
时间:2020-01-08 19:42:33 来源:

【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2019年7月27日雅思口语考试真题及答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2019年7月27日雅思口语考试真题及答案的详细内容如下:



  Do you often watch sky?

  Which do you prefer, morning or evening?

  Who is  your favourite movie star?

  What is your favorite food?

  What kind of books do you like?

  Which area of your home do you like best?

  Do you often eat in restaurants?

  How often do you use the Internet?

  Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?

  How do you think about social network apps?

  Are there many street markets in China?

  Why would someone be addicted to the Internet?

  What types of clothes do you enjoy ?

  Part2 & Part3:

  ribe an old person who is interesting.

  ribe an intelligent person you know.

  ribe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome.

  ribe an ideal house.

  ribe a newly built public facility that influences your city.

  ribe a time you taught something new to a younger person.

  ribe a time you received horrible service.

  ribe a time that someone did not tell you the whole truth about something.

  ribe a ytpe of transportation that you like.

  ribe an unusual vacation.

  ribe a kind of water sport.

  ribe a famous person from other countries you want to meet.

  ribe a person you want to work or study with.

  ribe a kind of foreign language.

  ribe an occasion when you got incorrect information.

  ribe a good advertisement.

  ribe a famous tourism in China.

  ribe a kind of food for special occasions.

  ribe your current house.

  ribe a situation when you do not have enough time.


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