
时间:2020-01-08 14:45:54 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加公共英语考试的考生们,考试时间渐渐临近,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题阅读一,希望能够帮助大家通过公共英语考试。关于2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题阅读一的具体内容如下:

  公共英语考试-全国英语等级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。笔试试卷和口试试卷都使用英文指导语。考必过为帮助考生顺利通过考试,特别整理了公共英语考试三级写作备考资料供考生参考,更多备考资料可关注网校公共英语频道或点击网站右下角在线客服咨询!祝各位考生顺利通过考试!所有备考资料内容均来源于网络,仅供考生参考学习!   阅读理解:   Human civilization has gone through a long process of development,and some ancient traditions have been inherited.This paper introduces the groundhog Festival,which is popular in parts of the United States and Canada.Why are people interested in Groundhog Day?   Text:   Human civilization has truly come a long way.From using animals for transport to the super fast automobiles that we have today.From using flint to making fire to using one touch lighters.But there are some things that we will never let go of.Some ancient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today.   Groundhog Day,falls on the 2nd of February every year.It is observed in the United States and Canada.While this day may be a public holiday and a bank holiday,it is not a compulsory holiday declared by the government.But this is not so for all the states.State-wise holidays may vary.   Ever heard of Punxsutawney Phil?Groundhog Day is observed because of this groundhog.The day is indeed about a groundhog.Punxsutawney is the name of an apparently weather forecasting groundhog.He lives in his burrow(洞穴)on Gobler’s Knob,Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania,for a short period before the 2nd of February every year.On the 2nd of February,Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow.If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow,then America will have an extended winter of six weeks,But if he cannot see his shadow,and he remains outside.It means winter will soon end and spring will arrive very shortly.Phil has been‘predicting’the length of winter in this manner for almost a century and they have always been almost 100%accurate.   Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada.The largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania.People come in scores to visit Punxsutawney Phil.They wait eagerly,camping days in advance,to see the small groundhog appear from his burrow,check for his shadow and either go back in or stay out.People cheer when they hear it is time for winter to end and celebrate by eating sweets and singing and dancing.Today.the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event.   1、What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?   A.Human civilization has a long history.   B.Some old traditions should be carried on.   C.Human civilization develops very fast.   D.Some old traditions have disappeared.   参考答案:B   参考解析:从第一段“Some ancient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today…”得知,从而引出下文土拨鼠节的历史和传承。B正确。   2、We learn from the passage that Punxsutawney Phil ____________.   A.forecasts the weather based on his shadow   B.witnesses the history of human development   C.organizes celebrations on Groundhog Day   D.gives performances on Groundhog Day   参考答案:A   参考解析:从文章第三段“Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow.If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow,then America will have an extended winter of six weeks…”得知他是根据自己的影子来判断天气情况的。故A正确。   3、We may infer from the passage that ________________.   A.groundhogs will replace TV weathermen soon   B.groundhogs can forecast the weather accurately   C.Groundhog Day is becoming popular in the US and Canada   D.a longer shadow of a groundhog indicates a longer winter   参考答案:C   参考解析:从最后一段“Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada.”及“Today,the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event”判断得知Groundhog Day这个节日在美国和加拿大很受欢迎。故C正确。   4、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?   A.Winter will end if the groundhog goes back into the burrow.   B.Groundhog Day is a compulsory’holiday in the US and Canada.   C.A groundhog will remain outside if he sees his shadows on 2nd,Feb.   D.The celebration in Punxsutawney attracts large numbers of visitors.   参考答案:D   参考解析:从第四段“The largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania”得知在宾夕法尼亚的Punxsutawney这个节日最受欢迎,也就说在这里这个节日能够吸引最多的游客。故D正确。   5、People celebrate Groundhog Day because ______________.   A.some sweets are provided on Groundhog Day   B.more and more people love groundhogs   C.the groundhog predicts the beginning of spring   D.Punxsutawney Phil is worth respecting   参考答案:C   参考解析:从第四段“Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada…”,“People cheer when they hear it is time for winter to end…”等信息推理得知,人们把它当节日庆祝的原因就是因为它预示着春天的开始。故C正确。


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