
时间:2020-01-08 13:59:24 来源:

【摘要】 关注英语六级考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2014.12英语六级听力真题及答案:短文三,希望能够帮助即将参加英语六级考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2014.12英语六级听力真题及答案:短文三的详细内容如下:




  On Christmas Eve in 1994, humans entered a cave in the mountains of southeastern France for what was probably the first time in 20,000 years. The vivid images of more than 300 animals that Jean-Marie Chauvet and his assistants found on the cave walls were like none that they had seen before. Unusual in the Grotte Chauvet, as the cave is now called in honor of its discoverer, are paintings of many flat sheeting animals. Other known caves from the same geographical area and time period contain only paintings of plantites. The paintings in this cave refute the old theory that Cro-Magnoon people painted animals that they hunted and then ate. Now many specialists believe that cave paintings were not part of a ritual to bring good luck to hunters. They point out that while deer made up a major part of their diet, there're no drawings of deer. They believe that the animals painted were those central to the symbolic and spiritual life of the times; animals that represented something deep and spiritual to the people. Scientists are hopeful that Groo Chavie will yield new information about the art and lifestyle of Cro-Magnoon people. They readily admit, however, that little is understood yet as to the reasons why ice age artists created their interesting and detailed paintings. Scientists also wonder why some paintings were done in areas that are so difficult to get to, in caves, for example, that are 2,400 feet underground, and accessible only by crawling through narrow passageways.

  23. How did the cave get its name?

  24. What is the old theory about the paintings in the cave?

  25. What do scientists readily admit according to the speaker?


  23. B.

  24. C.

  25. A.

  【解析】本文为科普类说明文,主要围绕法国东南部的一个著名洞穴——肖维岩洞(Grotte Chauvet)展开。肖维岩洞由Jean-Marie Chauvet在1994年圣诞夜首次发现,故以Chauvet的名字命名。与法国同时期其他洞穴不同的是,肖维岩洞内的动物壁画并不是被捕猎的动物,而是那些大型、有力而威猛的动物。许多专家们由此认为,壁画上的动物是当时人们精神生活的象征。本文由于涉及国外艺术文化的话题,对许多考生来说比较生疏。但只要对篇章的开头及结尾、相关关键词做到有效把握,答出问题也是比较容易的。








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