
时间:2020-01-08 12:30:47 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加翻译考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2011年3月高级口译考试:句子听译原文和答案(沪江)-中华,希望能够帮助大家通过翻译考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2011年3月高级口译考试:句子听译原文和答案(沪江)-中华的具体内容如下:

Sentence Translation  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.  1. Let me say that preventing crime is definitely better than punishing it. It’s better to have good role models and stop crime before it starts. But we also need harsher punishments.  我想说,预防犯罪肯定优于惩治犯罪。树立榜样,防患于未然,总是更可取的。但是,我们同样需要更加严厉的惩罚。  2. Many cities have slum areas or ghettoes, where people live in dangers or destitute conditions. The beautiful architecture and vibrant night life are one face of the city, but cities also have problems of inequality, crowding and poverty.  许多城市都存在贫民区或贫民窟,在这里人们在危险与贫困中煎熬。雄伟的建筑和充满活力的夜生活固然是城市的一面,但城市中也同样存在不平等、拥挤和贫困的问题。  3. According to a report, released by the Spanish news agency EFE, many Latin American leaders voiced fears that the economic crisis might unleash a wave of protectionism and anti-immigration measures in Europe.  根据西班牙埃菲通讯社发布的一份报告,许多拉美国家领导人担心,经济危机可能会引发欧洲国家掀起一轮保护主义热潮,并且开始执行反移民政策。  4. Farmers in this country have to comply with stringent requirements which make it much more costly to produce. In meat production, for example, they do not tolerate growth hormones and genetically-modified products.  该国农民需要遵守严格的生产要求,这极大地导致了生产成本的增加。以肉类生产为例,含有生长激素和转基因的产品都明令禁止。  5. The index of top European shares tumbled 2.2% with banks and commodity stocks the hardest hit. The index which gained nearly 26% in 2009 is now down 4.31% amid persistent concerns about the Euro Zone’s debt problems.  欧洲股指下跌2.2%, 其中银行和商品类股票遭受冲击最大。该股指于2009年上涨近26%,如今已经下跌了4.31%,因为人们担心欧元区的债务问题。


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