
时间:2020-01-07 17:17:14 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加公共英语考试的考生们,考试时间渐渐临近,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2020年全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题-公共英语考试写作三,希望能够帮助大家通过公共英语考试。关于2020年全国英语等级考试二级模拟试题-公共英语考试写作三的具体内容如下:


  Obesity has become a serious problem endangering people's health,and the trend of obesity in primary and secondary school students is more obvious.Your class will discuss this.Write a passage of about 100 words according to different opinions.   1.Obesity is harmful to health.We should diet,exercise and prevent obesity.Those who are already overweight should take measures to lose weight.   2.When growing up in middle school,weight loss will affect physical development and learning,so we should let it go.   Model essay:   Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health.And at present the situation in the teenagers is even worse,As to this,a discussion was carried out in our class.   Some students think fatness does harm to our health,so it is necessary to be on a diet and take suitable exercise to prevent it.Those who are overweight should take measures to lose weight to be healthy.   But others have a different opinion.They say losing weight will be bad for the teenagers during their growth course,as well as their studies.So there is no doubt to leave it as it is.


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