托福听力遇到生词不要慌 先记录关键信息再分析技巧实例

时间:2020-09-21 17:14:56 来源:

【摘要】 托福听力遇到生词不要慌 先记录关键信息再分析技巧实例考必过小编为大家整理了关于托福听力遇到生词不要慌 先记录关键信息再分析技巧实例的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!

托福听力遇到生词不要慌 先记录关键信息再分析技巧实例讲解









Ok, a lot of people think of earth's orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands move on a well-made watch, but it just doesn't work that way. You are probably aware that the earth's orbit around the sun, it is not shaped like a perfect circle. It is more of an oval, it is elliptical. But the shape of this orbit isn't consistent; it varies over time, over a period of about a thousand years. Sometimes it is a little more circular, sometimes it is more elliptical. And when earth's orbit is more elliptical, earth is actually closer to the sun during part of the year. Which makes earth, and in particular, the northern hemisphere, warmer. And why is that important? Well, because most of the planet's glaciers are in the northern hemisphere, and if it gets too warm, then glaciers will stop forming.And we've already talked about how that affects earth's over all temperature.



Ok, a lot of people think of earth's orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as smooth and as regular as, say, the way that hands move on a well-made watch, but it just doesn't work that way. You are probably aware that the earth's orbit around the sun, it is not shaped like a perfect circle. It is more of an oval, it is elliptical.


But the shape of this orbit isn't consistent; it varies overtime, over a period of about a thousand years. Sometimes it is a little more circular, sometimes it is more elliptical. And when earth's orbit is more elliptical, earth is actually closer to the sun during part of the year.


Which makes earth, and in particular, the northern hemisphere, warmer. And why is that important? Well, because most of the planet's glaciers are in the northern hemisphere, and if it gets too warm, then glaciers will stop forming. And we've already talked about how that affects earth's overall temperature.




以上就是托福听力遇到生词不要慌 先记录关键信息再分析技巧实例的内容,更多资讯请及时关注考必过网站,最新消息小编会第一时间发布,大家考试加油!

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