
时间:2020-01-07 13:58:59 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加公共英语考试的考生们,考试时间渐渐临近,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题阅读B,希望能够帮助大家通过公共英语考试。关于2020年全国英语等级考试三级模拟试题阅读B的具体内容如下:

  公共英语考试-全国英语等级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。笔试试卷和口试试卷都使用英文指导语。考必过为帮助考生顺利通过考试,特别整理了公共英语考试三级模拟试题供考生参考,更多备考资料可关注网校公共英语频道或点击网站右下角在线客服咨询!祝各位考生顺利通过考试!所有备考资料内容均来源于网络,仅供考生参考学习!   阅读:   main idea:The first paragraph introduces how to understand your own reading speed.The second paragraph suggests that you must improve your reading speed when you understand what you are reading,otherwise it is meaningless to improve your reading speed.The third paragraph of the article introduces a way to improve the reading speed.You can try to improve the reading speed through the"lightning speed"exercise   text:Nearly all“speed reading”courses have a“pacing”element--some timing device which lets the student know how many words a minute he is reading.You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.Check the average number of words per page for the particular book you are reading.How do you know when 5 minutes has passed on your watch if you are busy reading the book?Well,this is difficult at first.A friend can help by timing you over a set period,or you can read within hearing distance of a pub-lic clock which strikes the quarter hours.Pace yourself every three or four days,always with the same kind of easy,general interest books.You should soon notice your accustomed w.p.m.rate creeping up.   Obviously there is little point in increasing your w.p.m.rate if you do not understand what you are reading.When you are consciously trying to increase your reading speed,stop after every chapter(if you are reading a novel)or every section or group of ten or twelve pages(if it is a text-book)and ask yourself a few questions about what you have been reading.If you find you have lost the thread of the story,or you cannot remember clearly the details of what was said,reread the section or chapter.   You can also try“lightning speed”exercise from time to time.Take four or five pages of the general interest book you happen to be reading and read them as fast as you possibly can.Do not bother about whether you understand or not.Now go back and read them at what you feel to be your"normal"w.p.m.rate,the rate at which you can comfortably understand.After a‘lightning speed'reading through(probably 600 w.p.m.)you will usually find that your“normal”speed has increased-perhaps.by as much as 50-100 w.p.m.This is the technique sportsmen use when they usually run further in training than they will have to on the day of the big race.   1、According to the passage,a“pacing”device_________.   A.is used to time student's reading speed   B.is.not used in most,speed reading courses   C.is used as.an aid to vocabulary learning   D.should be used whenever we read alone   参考答案:A   参考解析:根据文章第一句话破折号后面的句子“some timing device which lets the student know how many words a minutes he is reading"得出。A项的意思与句意相符。   2、In speed reading,looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes_________.   A.avoids the need for reading faster   B.is not the same as pacing   C.may seem unworkable at first   D.helps you to remember your page number   参考答案:C   参考解析:根据文章第一段中“Well,this is difficult at first”得出,一开始很难。   3、When you are reading a novel,you should check your understanding of the content after_______.   A.every chapter   B.every section   C.every four or five pages   D.every ten or twelve pages   参考答案:A   参考解析:由文章第二段中“When you are consciously trying to increase your reading speed,stop after every chapter(if you are reading a novel)”可知,读小说时你需每读完一章就停下来,看你是否读懂了,因此应选择A选项。选项B和D容易被误选,但由第二段可知,读教材(不是小说)时,在每一节或每十、十二页后停下来。   4、The purpose of the“lightning speed”exercise is to_________.   A.increase your speed by scanning the text first   B.test your maximum reading speed   C.help you understand more of the content of the book   D.enable you to win reading races against your friends   参考答案:A   参考解析:根据最后一段“After a‘lightning speed'reading through(probably 600 w.p.m.)you will usually find that your“normal”speed has increased-perhaps.”可知目的是提高速度。   5、The best title for this passage would be_________.   A.Hints for Successful Reading   B.Hints for Speed Reading   C.Effective Reading   D.Lightning Speed Exercises   参考答案:B   参考解析:通读全文后,第一段介绍了如何了解自己的阅读速度,第二段提出必须在明白所读内容的情况下提高阅读速度,否则提高阅读速度没有什么意义。文章的第三段介绍了提高阅i卖速度的一种方法,你可以通过“闪电速度”练习尝试提高阅读速度,由此可知,应选择B选项。


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