
时间:2020-01-07 11:36:18 来源:

【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2019年10月26日雅思听力考试真题及答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2019年10月26日雅思听力考试真题及答案的详细内容如下:


  Section1 澳洲搬家


  1. work phone:0427 139 684

  2. moving from:Somerton Australia

  3. two adults, one child(almost 3 years old)

  4. type of accommodation:flat

  5. location:in the North

  6. special requirement:close to a park

  7. would like a pool

  8. rent:prepare to pay a maximum of $650

  9. moving-in date:by 15 December

  10. organise a hotel for August 31st.

  section 2 Spring festival


  11. near  the lake

  12. picnic and blanket

  13. display of flowers

  14. buses run from the town centre every 20 minutes

  15. the motor/cars show

  16. in the art gallery

  17. in the concert hall

  18. Saturday matinee performance at 2:30

  19. in the Spring Festival competition,you can win

  C a flight in a hot air balloon

  20. you can get an entry form for the competition from

  B the newspaper

  Section 3 印度女实习


  21. restaurant -- C too strict

  22. coffee bar --  E boring

  23. cleaning -- D too noisy

  24. shop display -- A not well organized

  25. reception --  G cover a wide range of work

  26. personal service -- F the staff are lack of patience

  27. what's the advantage of internship?

  C Benefit the current study

  28. who does she suggest the man to ask advice from?

  C career office

  29. why does the woman do a presentation?

  C to demonstrate how to do the presentation

  30. what's the man's task?

  C use video's approach

  Section 4 动物语言能力


  31. the experiment or research is

  C surprising

  32. the ape experiment shows that problem is

  C they do not provide real language

  33. those who wouldn't accept that animals can communicate

  B lack reasoning ability and do not know how to infer

  34. what do people tend to use to measure the intelligence of animals

  A thinking based on experience

  35. rat is better in its sense of

  A smell

  36. horse can use landmarks to find way home

  37. sheep can recognize faces of people/human

  38. birds share something common with human in that they have good eyesight

  39. people think that animal do not think,regarding animal as machines or robots

  40. in future,people should pay more attention to what animals can do well


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