
时间:2020-01-06 18:05:35 来源:

【摘要】 关注雅思考试历年真题可以更好地掌握考试出题动向,明确知识点的考查方式。考必过为大家精心整理了2019年11月2日雅思阅读考试真题及答案,希望能够帮助即将参加雅思考试的考生们顺利达成考试目标。2019年11月2日雅思阅读考试真题及答案的详细内容如下:


  Passage 1

  Russia ballet俄罗斯芭蕾/俄罗斯戏剧发展

  原文分段大意:第一段17世纪是教会眼制舞蹈发展,然后各个国家对其欧洲的,什么 concert什么舞蹈的演变等,俄罗斯芭蓄舞里面提到了外来的教师什么的。题型是TFNG和filling the table

  Questions1-6TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN判断题



  3 19世纪芭蕾在俄罗斯才 popular ---NG

  4 18世纪中期跳芭蕾舞是不是和宗教意见冲突被官方 reject---T

  5还问 enthusiasm是否局限于皇家还是什么的---T



  Questions 7-13) Filling the table

  (no more than 2 words /a number)


  9最后一段末尾讲到一个人很有成就的最后 win worldwide popularity

  10 dance and dress code


  12 Pushkin普希金-创作获得了成功 Successful publication

  13一个人 comic摆脱了myth

  passage 2

  the reconstruction of community

  14 paragraph A---vi Introduction of a social housing community with unexpected high standard

  15 paragraph B---viii closer relationship among neighbors in original site

  16 paragraph C---v problems arise then the mentality of alienation developed later

  17 paragraph D---iii details of plans for the community’s makeover and upgrade

  18 paragraph E---ix different need from a makeup of a low financial background should be considered

  19 paragraph F---vii a practical design and need assist and cooperate in future

  20 paragraph G---ii a good tendency of strengthening the supervision

  21 design should meet the need of mix-raced cultural background---D

  22 for better living environment, regulations and social control should be imperative---B

  23 organising more community’s activities helps strengthening relationship in community---C

  24 people complain about the high living 24 density

  25 the designs of many 25 architects

  26 Build a house within low 26 budget

  27 in its own 27 garden

  Passage 3



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