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2002 年 3 月考题
TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways. For instance, many American parents may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray. American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished. When American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children. Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, they feel obliged to turn to their children and say,” Honey, everything is going to be all right.” This American desire to keep the children’s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident. Thus, in summary, American parents face a world of reality while many of their children live in a near-ideal unreal realm where the rules of the parental world do not apply, are watered down, or are even reversed.
① The line of demarcation between the adult and the child world is drawn in many ways.
译文:成人与儿童世界的划分是多方面的。 // 划分成人与儿童世界有很多方式。
② For instance, many American parents may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray.
译文:例如 / 比方说,许多美国家长可能跟教会毫无瓜葛 / 不信教,对上帝是否存在也不置可否 / 深表怀疑,然而他们却把孩子们送去主日学校(灌输宗教思想),并帮助他们祷告。
考点:正反译法: be totally divorced from → 脱离(正译)
entertain grave doubt about →深表怀疑(正译)
divorce: separate sth from sth in a wrong way. 使脱离
may →可能
抽象译法: church →教会
转态译法:省略被动词: be totally divorced from → 脱离
entertain: hold sth in the mind or feelings 持有;抱着;怀有
eg. entertain ideas, doubts, etc. 持有想法;感到怀疑
名词词组译为分句: the existence of God →上帝是否存在
Sunday school → 主日学校:通常与教堂或犹太教堂有紧密联系的学校,在星期日对儿童进行宗教教育。
③ American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected, but they feed their children with nursery tales (in which the morally good is pitted against the bad, and in the end the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished).
译文:美国家长在一个尔虞我诈备受推崇的竞争世界中努力打拼,却用童话故事敷衍 / 搪塞孩子们,故事 / 从中讲述正义与邪恶作斗争,最终总是善有善报、恶有恶报 / 正义取得胜利而邪恶受到惩罚。
考点:具体译法:成语法: sheer cunning and falsehood → 尔虞我诈
转态译法:省略被动词: are often rewarded and respected → 备受推崇
is pitted →作斗争
the bad inevitably punished → 邪恶受到惩罚
转性译法:形容词→名词 the good→ 正义 the bad→ 邪恶
形容词 →动词 the good inevitably is successful→ 善有善报;正义取得胜利
合词译法: rewarded and respected→ 备受推崇
nursery tale: fairy tale 童话故事
Literature Form | |
小说(总) |
fiction |
长篇小说 |
novel |
中篇小说 |
novelette |
短篇小说 |
short story |
微型小说 |
short short story; mininovel |
历史小说 |
historical novel |
武侠小说 |
swordsman fiction |
科幻小说 |
science fiction |
恐怖小说 |
horror fiction |
侦探小说 |
detective story |
言情小说 |
love story |
小说 |
erotic story |
故事 |
tale |
民间故事 |
folk tale |
传奇故事 |
legendary |
童话 / 神仙故事 |
fairy tale |
伤感故事 |
sob story |
荒诞故事 |
cock-and-bull story |
惊险故事 |
thriller |
鬼故事 |
ghost story |
诗歌 |
poetry |
寓言 |
fable |
伊索寓言 |
Aesop’s Fables |
民谣 |
ballad |
散文 |
prose |
史诗 * 伊利亚特 * 特洛伊 |
epic*Iliad*Troy |
讽刺作品 |
satire |
社论 |
editorial |
随笔 |
sketch |
回忆录 |
memoirs |
自传 |
autobiography |
编年史;历史记载 |
annals |
逸事 |
anecdote |
语录 |
ana |
毛主席语录 |
Chairman Mao’s Ana |
文选 |
analects |
诗集 |
anthology |
谜语 |
riddle; conundrum |
④ When American parents are in serious domestic trouble, they maintain a front of sweetness and light before their children.
译文:如果美国夫妻闹矛盾 / 在美国,夫妻失和时,他们在孩子面前却是一副其乐融融的样子。
考点: front: ⑴ out-ward appearance or show, esp. of the specified type 外表;样子;模样
put on/show/present a bold front → 装出大胆的样子
eg. Her rudeness is just a front for her shyness. 她的粗暴只不过是掩盖她的怯懦而已。
⑵ a front for sth : something that serves to hide an illegal or a secret activity 幌子
eg. The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 珠宝商店正是他们进行钻石非法交易的庇护所。
⑶ (常与形容词或名词连用)领域;界
on the domestic, financial, education, etc. front 在家庭(财政、教育)领域
合词译法: sweetness and light →其乐融融;和蔼可亲
转性译法:名词→形容词 sweetness and light →其乐融融;和蔼可亲
⑤ Even if American parents suffer a major business or personal catastrophe, they feel obliged to turn to their children and say,” Honey, everything is going to be all right.”
译文:即便美国家长在生意场或日常生活中遭受沉重打击 / 一败涂地,他们也会义无反顾地对孩子们说:“亲爱的 / 宝贝,一切将会好起来的。”
考点: catastrophe: a complete failure; a fiasco: 大败;彻底的失败;惨败
(同): disaster, calamity, cataclysm, blow, reverse, misfortune, affliction, adversity, tragedy, mishap, fiasco, flop (反): triumph
⑥ This American desire to keep the children’s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.
转性译法:形容词→动词 separate →隔离;划清界线
名词→副词 practice →总是
转态译法:主被交换: is exemplified also by → 这一点也证实了
省略被动词: have been killed →丧生
exemplify (同): illustrate, show, instance, demonstrate, exhibit, manifest, represent, embody
⑦ Thus, in summary, American parents face a world of reality while many of their children live in a near-ideal unreal realm where the rules of the parental world do not apply, are watered down, or are even reversed.
译文:总而言之,美国父母们面对着现实的世界,而他们的子女却活在近乎完美 / 理想化的虚幻世界,在这个世界中,父母生活的世界中的规则统统不适用,而且规则的执行是要打折扣的 // 而且不可能完全执行,甚至两者背道而驰。
考点:正反译法: unreal →不真实(正译)
watered down →打折扣(正译)
water down: to reduce the strength or effectiveness of:
转性译法:名词→形容词 reality →现实的
转态译法:省略被动词: are watered down→ 是要打折扣的