
时间:2020-01-03 14:17:00 来源:

【摘要】 即将参加托福考试的考生们,考试即将到来,你们的备考工作进行得如何了?考必过为大家精心整理了2019年3月3日托福写作考前练习题目,希望能够帮助大家通过托福考试。那么,同学们一起快来做题吧!关于2019年3月3日托福写作考前练习题目的具体内容如下:

  1.It is better for people to have friends who are intelligent than to have friends who have a good sense of humor.

  2.A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18)improve their teaching. It is considering two plans:

  1. )Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.

  2. )Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. "

  3.Some people think that we should keep away from others to improve our relationship, because being away from people reminds us of how important they are. Others think we should always stay with others to have good relationship because we can communicate with them more often. What do you think?

  4.Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children’s development.

  5.The government can take a variety of actions to help protect the environment. Which one of the following do you think is the most important for the nation's government to take to protect the environment.

  1)Fund the research to develop environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

  2)Preserve the natural places like forests and protect the animals that live there.

  3)Enforce laws to prevent the pollution of air and water by large companies.

  6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.

  7.As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:

  1)students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study.

  2)students must volunteer to work in the city where the university is located or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.

  Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university, why? "

  8.Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree the following statement? The group will be helped more by members who are willing to do what other group members want them to do than by those who strongly insist that things should be done in a different way.

  9.Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.

  10.Some young people are free in the evenings or have days off at school, which way can bring them the most benefit?

  1)to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community

  2)learning to play a sport

  3)learning to play a musical instrument "

  11. At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.

  12.Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ages 5 to 10)? Why?

  1)Being helpful to others

  2)Being honest

  3)Being well-organized

  Use specific examples and evidences to support your answer. "

  13.One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.

  14.Some people like to buy and eat their meals at restaurants frequently, while others like to do this at home. Which do you prefer? Why?

  15.Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one‘s own family

  16.Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?

  17.If one of your friends has the opportunity to study in either one of two majors, which one of the following majors you will recommend:

  1)A major that would allow your friend to complete studies and get a degree faster (so that he or she can get a full time job sooner)

  2)A major that would require longer time to study, but can make it more likely to get better employment opportunities and job offers in the future.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. "

  18.A lot of high school students now cheat in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most efficient way to stop?

  1)asking parents to help stop the students from cheating

  2)penalty or punishment to the students

  3)asking teacher to create homework assignment that cannot be easily cheated

  19.Most adults believe that modern children (5-10 years old) behave worse than those in the past. What action parents should take do you think will have the most positive effect on children to help them be have better like respecting and treating others kindly?

  1)limit the types of the TV programs and movies they watch

  2)spend more time talking with children

  3)supervise and monitor children while they are playing with their friends

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  20. Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What's your opinion?


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