小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文参考:Can I

时间:2019-12-31 11:50:20 来源:

【摘要】 成功是时间和方法的产物,而自制力是发生条件。每一位成功人士的背后都离不开勤奋。考必过为即将参加教师资格考试的考生们精心整理了小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文参考:Can I,希望能够帮助大家取得“备考之战”的最终成功。小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文参考:Can I的详细内容如下:

【导语】在每一次发奋努力之后,必然有加倍的奖赏等待着我们。相信通过大家的努力,拿到证书绝对没问题。以下为“小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文参考:Can I”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注无忧考网!

  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aim: students can know the function of inquiry and refusal by leaning key sentence: can I... Yes, you can; No, you can`t.

  Ability aim: students can use these key sentences into real life.

  Emotional aim: students can get more confident about English and cultivate awareness about politeness.

  Teaching key point &difficult point:

  key point:students can know how to ask for permission and express refusal.

  Difficult point: students can put these sentences into practice.

  Teaching Procedures:


  Hello, everyone! It`s your beloved English teaching teacher Albert. Nice to see you guys again. Before this class, I want to share an interesting story with everyone. It`s about my sister. You know, My sister loves foods so much, especially the sweet foods such as candy, donut, and so on. Every time she got change, she just grasps her money and rush into the candy shop. Day by day, she is getting heavier and heavier. Every time she asked my mom “ mommy, can I have some change for an ice cream?” every time my mother was depressed and answer “No, you can`t honey”. Then I would can`t help laughing. It`s interesting, right? I guess sometimes you guys also have such kind of request. In order to improve your skill for requesting, lets start our new class. Can I...


  Now, guys, look at the screen. Here is a picture. What in it? Alex, you please. Yes, Alex said “there`re so many foods and a little girl with her mom”. Good job. As Alex said, can you guys have a guess? What are they talking about? Foods? Argument? Ok, let’s keep it as a riddle. Next, we`re going to uncover this riddle.


  Now we are going to listen to a tape for twice. During the first time, you guys need to check your prediction and answer me that what are they talking about. Are you ready? Lets begin.

  Ok, time to answer my question. Coco, you please. Well, you still think that they are talking about foods. Well, you may say so. Sit down please. Anyone else? Ok, Tina. You say the girl is asking for food from her mother. Perfect! You`re very good at catching information. Ok, you two did a really good job.

  Now, we are going to listen to the tape again. After listening, you just need to answer my questions. What does Amy want? What does Amy finally get? Ready? Go!

  Well, time is up. Who can answer my first question? What does Amy want? Good, Nina, you please. Well, Nina said Amy wants drink and ice cream. Excellent! You are such a smart girl. Now, the second question. What does Nina finally get? Christina, please. Brilliant! Biscuit, right. I know you can do it.


  We have finished this tape. Their conversation is quit interesting, ha? I just thought my sister and my mom. Do you guys want to do a role-play? Yes? Ok, two students in one group. One is Amy, the other is Amy`s mom. Lets do a role-play. You have 3 minutes. After this, i will invite one group to show us.

  Well, time is up. Volunteers? Ok, group banana. Very good, your performance is excellent. I`m so proud of you.

  Summary & Homework

  Time flies, it`s almost the end of this class. Lets do a simple summary together. What we have learned today? Yes,we have learned how to ask for permission and express refusal. But remember, no matter we ask for permission or express refusal. We need keep polite because we are good kids, all right? After class, i hope you can ask for what you want to eat form your mom, but remember, in English. Ok, class is over, see you next time.

以上就是考必过为大家整理的小学英语教师资格证面试教案范文参考:Can I,希望能够帮助到大家。考必过会和大家一起努力,为各位考生带来更优质的辅导资料。我们可以每个备考阶段为自己定下一个小目标,并为这个目标而奋斗努力,相信大家会在考试中取得优异的成绩的。

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