2020年CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习 (真题中的固定搭配及形近义词辨析)

时间:2020-09-11 16:14:42 来源:网络

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2020年CATTI英语笔译综合词汇学习 (真题中的固定搭配及形近义词辨析)


① Sally has an advantage over her classmates ___that she is good at speaking English.

A. at

B. since

C. in

D. with

解析:in that为固定搭配,意为“因为;由于;既然”,可以引导原因状语从句


② It is reported that the retired seniors over 65 in Beijing are now___ to free bus transportation.

A. entitled

B. assigned

C. empowered

D. qualified

解析:be entitled to 为固定搭配,意为“有…资格;有权”符合句意

B. assign分配;指派

C. empower意为“授权;允许;使能够”,be empowered to意为“授权”。

D. qualified意为“合格的;有资格的”;通常与介词for搭配使用构成be qualified for,意为“有…资格;能胜任…”


③The boy was ___in his computer games with his homework laid aside.

A. dipped

B. immersed

C. drowned

D. submerged

解析:immerse in为固定搭配,表示“全神贯注于;沉浸于;专心于”符合语境

A. dip in 浸泡

C. drown 淹没;把…淹死

D. submerge 淹没;沉浸,把…浸入


④In addition, government has acted as the provider of pump ____funds for new appications, but this role is increasingly being called into question.





解析:pump priming为固定搭配。愿意为 泵的启动注水;现引申为(为刺激国民经济)政府对商业企业的投资


⑤I can’t tell the because the ______of the clock have been removed.

A. hands

B. pointers

C. arms

D. fingers

解析:固定搭配。(钟表等的)指针一般用hand,如:the hour hand 时针;the minute hand分针;the second hand 秒针


⑥Readers______ happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modern motherhood a bit unsettling.

A. fond

B. preferred

C. adapted to

D. accustomed to

解析:固定搭配。D. accustomed to 习惯于。此句意为:习惯于看欢乐结局的读者可能会觉得现代母亲的这种质朴观点令人有点不安。



1. confident & confidential

confident / ˈkɑːnfɪdənt /:

① feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful 自信的;有自信心的

例:She was in a relaxed, confident mood.她的心态从容而自信。

The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand.


②feeling certain that sth will happen in the way that you want or expect 肯定的;确信的;有把握的

例:confident of sth/doing sth

The team feels confident of winning.这个队觉得有把握取胜。

Confident that…

I'm confident that you will get the job.我肯定你能得到那份工作。

confidential/ ˌkɑːnfɪˈdenʃl /

①meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people 机密的;保密的;秘密的

例:confidential information/documents机密情报╱文件

Your medical records are strictly confidential (= completely secret).


② (of a way of speaking 说话的方式 ) showing that what you are saying is private or secret 隐密的;秘密的

例:He spoke in a confidential tone, his voice low.


③[only before noun ] trusted with private or secret information 受信任的;委以机密的

例:a confidential secretary机要秘书

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