
时间:2020-09-09 18:12:49 来源:

【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于2020CATTI高级笔译材料:科技与社会,悲观与发展的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下2020CATTI高级笔译材料:科技与社会,悲观与发展的具体内容吧!


Technology and society


pessimism v progress


Faster, cheaper, better—technology is onefield many people rely upon to offer a vision of a brighter future. But as the2020s dawn, optimism is in short supply.


Today’s gloomy mood is centred on smartphonesand social media, which took off a decade ago. Yet concerns that humanity hastaken a technological wrong turn, or that particular technologies might bedoing more harm than good, have arisen before.


In the 1970s the despondency was promptedby concerns about overpopulation, environmental damage and the prospect ofnuclear immolation.


The 1920s witnessed a backlash againstcars, which had earlier been seen as a miraculous answer to the affliction ofhorse-drawn vehicles—which filled the streets with noise and dung, and causedcongestion and accidents.


And the blight of industrialisation wasdecried in the 19th century by Luddites, Romantics and socialists, who worried(with good reason) about the displacement of skilled artisans, the despoilingof the countryside and the suffering of factory hands toiling in smoke-belchingmills.


Stand back, and in each of these historicalcases disappointment arose from a mix of unrealised hopes and unforeseenconsequences.


Technology unleashes the forces of creativedestruction, so it is only natural that it leads to anxiety; for any giventechnology its drawbacks sometimes seem to outweigh its benefits. When thishappens with several technologies at once, as today, the result is a widersense of techno-pessimism.


However, that pessimism can be overdone.Too often people focus on the drawbacks of a new technology while taking itsbenefits for granted. Worries about screen time should be weighed against themuch more substantial benefits of ubiquitous communication and the instantaccess to information and entertainment that smartphones make possible.


A further danger is that Luddite efforts toavoid the short-term costs associated with a new technology will end up denyingaccess to its long-term benefits—something Carl Benedikt Frey, an Oxfordacademic, calls a “technology trap”.


Fears that robots will steal people’s jobsmay prompt politicians to tax them, for example, to discourage their use. Yetin the long run countries that wish to maintain their standard of living astheir workforce ages and shrinks will need more robots, not fewer.






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