
时间:2020-09-08 17:01:49 来源:

【摘要】 雅思听力图书馆场景填空题常见难点词汇考必过小编为大家整理了关于雅思听力图书馆场景填空题常见难点词汇的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!



Listening situation: library (section 1/4)


Registration: information desk, information sector, librarian desk,registration fee, membership fee

ID documents: passport, visa, student card, library card, driver's license, credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letter

Library card, borrower's card, reader's card, electronic card, PIN, password

Books: fiction, reference books, technical books, leisure books, notion, academic

Periodicals: magazines, journals Current issues, back issues

Technical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptops

Electronic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROM

Recall system: catalogue (title, author, press, category) , call slip, librarian

Circulation: borrow, loan, return, renew, overdue, fine, reserve

Loan time: weeks, months (up to 4 weeks, maximum loan time)

Training classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertation writing


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