ACCA 考试F1第三十二章试题练习(3)

时间:2020-08-29 11:03:33 来源:

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ACCA 考试F1第三十二章试题练习(3)


1.The effectiveness of training programmes can be evaluated using a five-level model by Hamblin. Assign the correct number from 1 to 5 to each of the following levels.

(i) Ultimate value

(ii) Changes in job behaviour

(iii) Trainee reactions

(iv) Trainee learning

(v) Impact on organisational results

A 1(i), 2(ii), 3(iii), 4(iv), 5(v)

B 1(iii), 2(iv), 3(ii), 4(v), 5(i)

C 1(ii), 2(iii), 3(iv), 4(i), 5(v)

D 1(iii), 2(i), 3(v), 4(ii), 5(iv)


2.In the context of data security, which two of the following are examples of physical access controls to protect computer equipment or data storage media?

(i) Card entry systems

(ii) Back-up controls

(iii) Personal identification numbers

(iv) Logical access systems

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (i) and (iii)

D (ii) and (iv)


3. An organisation\\'s employees are one of its connected stakeholders.Is this statement true or false?

A True

B False


4.In a payroll system, which of the following actions would not require authorisation, as a standard control measure?

A Engagement or discharge of employees

B Changes in pay rates

C Statutory deductions from pay

D Overtime payments


5. At a chocolate manufacturing company, one of the production mixers has recently been made redundant. Fellow shop-floor staff are outraged: he was \\'the only one who knew anything about chocolate\\' and they had relied on his judgement for years. Protests are ignored. A week later, cement is found in a batch of crunchy bars. Two weeks later, staff refuse to work overtime. The mixer is finally reinstated. Which two types of power are illustrated in this scenario by the mixer and the shop floor staff?

(i) Position power

(ii) Expert power

(iii) Personal power

(iv) Negative power

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (ii) and (iv)

D (iii) and (iv)



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