ACCA考试 F1第三十章试题练习(2)

时间:2020-08-28 00:34:24 来源:

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ACCA考试 F1第三十章试题练习(2)


1. Which of the following is a feature of a structured decision?

A There is a formal process for decision-making

B The decision variables are very complex

C The information needed for decision-making is unpredictable

D The manager\'s experience and intuition play a large part in making the decision

答案: A

2. Who was responsible for developing the \'two-factor theory\' of motivation?

A Herzberg

B Maslow

C Vroom


3.Which of the following statements describes coercive power?

A Power associated with a particular role or status

B Power associated with physical force or punishment

C Power associated with control over physical resources

D Power associated with inpidual personality and attitudes


4. Which two of the following are parts of the job of a supervisor?

1 Managing team performance

2 Co-ordinating departmental objectives

3 Developing strategic plans

4 Organising the work of others

A 1 and 3

B 1 and 4

C 2 and 4

D 2 and 3

答案: B

5.Which of the following employee selection methods has the highest \'predictive validity\': that is, which is best at predicting a candidate\'s performance in the job?

A Interviews

B Personality testing

C Assessment centres

D Work sampling



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