ACCA考试 F1第三十一章试题练习(1)

时间:2020-08-28 00:33:32 来源:

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ACCA考试 F1第三十一章试题练习(1)


1. Which of the following groups are the owners of a limited company?

A Non-executive directors

B Stakeholders

C Shareholders


2.Which of the following correctly describes the meaning of Mintzberg\'s term: \'technostructure\'? A Analysts such as accountants and workplanners, whose objective is to effect standardisation in the organisation

B The range of technology needed for effective organisational performance

C The organisation of shopfloor workers and their supervisors in a manufacturing environment

D The central strategy-setting component of organisation structure


3. Z plc sources a range of complex components from suppliers which are critical to the quality of Z plc\'s final product. Any disruption to the supply of these components will mean that Z plc cannot maintain its service levels to its own customers. In the purchasing of these components, which two of the following are least likely to be a component of Z plc\'s supply strategy?

(i) Long-term partnership relations with key suppliers of the components

(ii) A small number of suppliers of the components

(iii) Outsourcing production of the product to low-cost countries

(iv) Consolidating purchases of the components and sourcing from a single supplier to reduce sourcing costs

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (iii) and (iv)

D (i) and (iv)


4.In Robert Anthony\'s hierarchy, which of the following is the term given to the process of establishing means to corporate ends, mobilising resources and innovating?

A Strategic management

B Tactical management

C Operational management


5. ______is the system by which organisations are directed and controlled by their senior officers. Which two words correctly complete this definition?

A Corporate governance

B Strategic management

C Executive directorship

D Internal controls



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