ACCA考试 F1第三十一章试题练习(4)

时间:2020-08-28 00:32:52 来源:

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ACCA考试 F1第三十一章试题练习(4)


1.What is a fraud response plan?

A A strategy for preventing and controlling fraud

B A framework of disciplinary rules and sanctions to be applied when fraud is discovered

C A strategy for investigating and dealing with the consequences of suspected or identified fraud


2.In which one of the following areas is economic growth most clearly beneficial, as an objective of macro[1] economic policy?

A Employment

B Public services

C Environment


3. According to Warren Bennis, which two of the following attributes distinguishes a leader, as opposed to a manager?

(i) Administers and maintains

(ii) Focuses on people

(iii) Innovates

(iv) Focuses on systems

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (iii) and (iv)

D (i) and (iv)


4.Comfy Dentiality, a large dental practice, is concerned with the security of its patient records. The manager amends the disciplinary rules of the practice, so that unauthorised disclosure of data by personnel can be made grounds for dismissal. What type of approach to data security does this reflect?

A Correction

B Detection

C Threat avoidance

D Deterrence


5. What set of environmental factors is most directly influenced by birth and mortality rates?

A Political

B Economic

C Social

D Technological



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