【摘要】 考必过小编为大家整理了关于balance allowance习题练习及解析的信息,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们就一起来看下balance allowance习题练习及解析的具体内容吧!
balance allowance习题练习及解析
ACCA考试习题,有小伙伴想要尝试的吗?下面考必过就为大家分享一个balance allowance相关习题及解析,感兴趣的小伙伴赶紧来练练手一吧。
1、Edward King is trying to calculate his balancing payment/repayment for the tax year 2019–20, Information for 2019-20 includes the following: Edward is employed by Stately Ltd as a marketing director. During the tax year 2019–20, he was paid gross director’s remuneration of £179,000. On 1 December 2019, Stately Ltd provided Edward with an interest-free loan which he used to purchase a holiday cottage. Stately Ltd has provided Edward with a home entertainment system for his personal use since 6 April 2016. The home entertainment system had been purchased by Stately Ltd on 6 April 2016 for £5,200. The company gave the home entertainment system to Edward on 6 April 2019 for no charge, although its market value at that time was £2,200. During the tax year 2019–20, Edward contributed 4% of his gross director’s remuneration of £179,000 into Stately Ltd’s HM Revenue and Customs’ registered occupational pension scheme. The company contributed a further 6% on his behalf. During the tax year 2019–20, Edward donated £200 (gross) per month to charity under the payroll deduction scheme. During the tax year 2019–20, Edward used his private motor car for business purposes. He drove 12,000 miles in the performance of his duties for Stately Ltd, for which the company paid an allowance of 35p per mile. On 1 January 2020, Edward paid a professional subscription to the Guild of Marketing, an HM Revenue and Customs’ approved professional body. For the tax year 2019–20, Stately Ltd deducted a total amount of £62,600 in PAYE from Edward’s earnings.
1、What mileage allowance will be deducted in calculating Edward’s taxable income for the year 2019-20?
【正确答案】 (800)
Mileage allowance received (12,000 × 35p) |
4,200 |
Less:10,000 miles × 45p 2,000 miles × 25p |
4,500 |
500 |
––––– |
(5,000) |
––––– |
(800) |
––––– |
【提问】:mileage allowance算出来是可以在员工的employment income中扣除800,写答案的时候一定要写(800)吗?可以写成800和-800都不行吗?
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