
时间:2018-05-24 09:40:00 来源:

【摘要】   考必过网免费发布高中英语优秀作文大全【三篇】,更多高中英语优秀作文大全【三篇】相关信息请访问考必过网。【导语】本文《高中英语优


【篇一】关于读书 About Reading

We have received education since the very young age. The elder always tells the young generation that study makes them become an useful person, so as to make a lot of money. As a result, in children’s mind, the purpose of reading is to make money. Indeed, when we learn, we will master the skills and find our place in the world. First, we need some skills to make money and make ends meet, but the meaning of reading is more than that. Reading can teach us the positive and different ways to treat life. A painting’s value will be appreciated by the people educated well, but for some people, it is just a picture. Reading endows us the beauty from life. It makes us happy and see a bigger world.


【篇二】包饺子 Making Dumplings

My mother is good at making dumplings and I love the flavor she makes. So every time when I see her making dumplings in the quick way, I think it is such an easy thing for me. Last week, I decided to learn making dumplings from my mother and it was such a valuable experience for me. Before starting the main step, kneading the dough took me a really long time. My mother told me that it was a very important step, just like the base of a building. I did not do the base work well, so I passed it and came to make dumpling directly. My mother finished one dumpling only three seconds, but when I made the packaging of one dumpling. It was so hard to close well, and the meat went out. I never expected that making a dumpling would be so hard.


【篇三】我的同桌 My Deskmate

The first day I came to high school, I met my deskmate. She was the first person I got to know in the school. So I counted on her so much. She was a very nice person and took me to look around the new environment. She has one thing that impresses me so much, which is her tough spirit. When we worked in a group, sometimes I wanted to give up the task, because it was a little difficult to finish, but my deskmate would encourage me not to give up. She said we could finish. At last, we solved the problems. Now I won’t give up easily, because I remember what my deskmate has taught me. I am so lucky to make friends with a nice person, and the things I learn from her will be very useful in my life.


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