【摘要】 PHP即“超文本预处理器”,是一种通用开源脚本语言。PHP是在服务器端执行的脚本语言,与C语言类似,是常用的网站编程语言。PHP独特的语法混合了C、Java、Perl以及 PHP 自创的语法。下面是PHP filesize() 函数,让我们一起来看看PHP filesize() 函数的具体内容吧!
PHP filesize() 函数
返回文件大小的字节数,如果出错返回 FALSE 并生成一条 E_WARNING 级的错误。
filesize 示例
<?php // 输出类似:somefile.txt: 1024 bytes $filename = 'somefile.txt'; echo $filename . ': ' . filesize($filename) . ' bytes'; ?>
<?php function human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2) { $sz = 'BKMGTP'; $factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3); return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor]; } ?>
<?php /** * Converts bytes into human readable file size. * * @param string $bytes * @return string human readable file size (2,87 Мб) * @author Mogilev Arseny */ function FileSizeConvert($bytes) { $bytes = floatval($bytes); $arBytes = array( 0 => array( "UNIT" => "TB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 4) ), 1 => array( "UNIT" => "GB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 3) ), 2 => array( "UNIT" => "MB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 2) ), 3 => array( "UNIT" => "KB", "VALUE" => 1024 ), 4 => array( "UNIT" => "B", "VALUE" => 1 ), ); foreach($arBytes as $arItem) { if($bytes >= $arItem["VALUE"]) { $result = $bytes / $arItem["VALUE"]; $result = str_replace(".", "," , strval(round($result, 2)))." ".$arItem["UNIT"]; break; } } return $result; } ?>
<?php /** * Return file size (even for file > 2 Gb) * For file size over PHP_INT_MAX (2 147 483 647), PHP filesize function loops from -PHP_INT_MAX to PHP_INT_MAX. * * @param string $path Path of the file * @return mixed File size or false if error */ function realFileSize($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) return false; $size = filesize($path); if (!($file = fopen($path, 'rb'))) return false; if ($size >= 0) {//Check if it really is a small file (< 2 GB) if (fseek($file, 0, SEEK_END) === 0) {//It really is a small file fclose($file); return $size; } } //Quickly jump the first 2 GB with fseek. After that fseek is not working on 32 bit php (it uses int internally) $size = PHP_INT_MAX - 1; if (fseek($file, PHP_INT_MAX - 1) !== 0) { fclose($file); return false; } $length = 1024 * 1024; while (!feof($file)) {//Read the file until end $read = fread($file, $length); $size = bcadd($size, $length); } $size = bcsub($size, $length); $size = bcadd($size, strlen($read)); fclose($file); return $size; }
以上就是PHP filesize() 函数的内容,对PHP感兴趣的小伙伴们可以关注考必过,获取更多PHP前沿资讯和最新技术。最新消息小编会第一时间发布,助力大家考试,加油!