
时间:2018-03-28 09:22:30 来源:

【摘要】   考必过权威发布大学英语日记范文三篇,更多大学英语日记范文三篇相关信息请访问考必过。【导语】日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见



篇一 最美的风景 The Most Beautiful SceneryToday, I went hiking with my friends. As we traveled for some distance, so this time we could see the different scenery. At first, we decided to see the sunrise, but all of us missed the perfect time, so we changed our plan, we decided to watch sunset. We took a visit of the moutain, as the high altitude, I could see the full view of the city. It was so beautiful, especially a long river walk around the city. When it was going to be dark, we saw the sun running down the hill, it was so red, as it was burning. The sky first got red and then the clouds made up of some animal shapes. How interesting it was.

今天,我和我的朋友去徒步旅行。当我们走了一段距离,所以这次我们可以看到不同的风景。首先,我们决定看日出,但是我们错过了最佳时机,所以改变了计划,我们决定看日落。我们游览了这座大山,由于高海拔,我可以看到城市的全貌。它是如此美丽,尤其是一条长长的河流蜿蜒在城市间。当天暗下来的时候,我们看到太阳下山,很红,就像燃烧。天空的云层首先是红色,然后变成一些动物形状。那是多么有趣。 篇二 坚持写英语日记的好处 Keep a diary in englishKeeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.

Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved. 篇三 篮球比赛 The Basketball GameThe game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled.

The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start.

Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two quarters. There is a rest period between the halves.

During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other.

The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win. The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. The whistle blew and the game was over. Home team won, 70 to 68.

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