
时间:2020-07-17 18:23:35 来源:

【摘要】 雅思口语part1题库及范文:Markets考必过小编为大家整理了关于雅思口语part1题库及范文:Markets的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!




1.What do street markets sell?

2.What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

3.(Version2) Do you often go to the supermarket?

4.Do you often go to the supermarket?

5.Are there many street markets in China?


1.What do street markets sell?

As I've mentioned, in general, street markets tend to sell cheaper goods compared to the supermarkets, and the things they sell are less known, since they usually have less known and inferior brands. However, the quality of the goods is not necessarily inferior and some of them even have better quality than those sold in the supermarkets.

2.What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

There are many differences between these two, just like comparing apples and oranges. You see, generally, supermarkets are richer in their variety of goods available, which enables us to better compare goods with one another. However, street markets, on the other hand, are more competitive when it comes to their prices, as they sell cheaper goods.

3.(Version2) Do you often go to the supermarket?

Yeah, I go to the supermarket on a weekly basis. Actually, there's a supermarket nearby my neighbourhood, so it's pretty convenient for me to purchase groceries at a reasonable price. Besides, I'm a premium member of this supermarket, so I can enjoy a good discount whenever I buy things, at least 20 percent off in fact.

4.Do you often go to the supermarket?

Yes, I do! While I enjoy street markets very much, I also go to supermarkets quite often, especially during weekends or holidays. I often go with my family, and whenever we go, we spend a whole afternoon exploring them!

5.Are there many street markets in China?

I'm not entirely sure about the exact number of street markets in China, but I have to say that there are indeed a great many of them in almost every Chinese city. Take my hometown as an example. You can easily find one in a random corner of the city, where there are a variety of goods at very favorable prices.


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