
时间:2020-07-17 18:23:11 来源:

【摘要】 雅思口语part1题库及范文:Jeans考必过小编为大家整理了关于雅思口语part1题库及范文:Jeans的信息,希望可以帮助到大家!




1.Do you wear jeans?

2.How often do you wear jeans?

3.Do you like wearing jeans, why?

4.Why do you think jeans are popular?

5.Do you spend a lot on jeans?


1.Do you wear jeans?

Yes, absolutely. I wear jeans a lot, and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't. Now, some people may say that it's not really healthy because it can affect your blood circulation(血液循环), but I think that only happens when you wear those ridiculously skinny ones. To be honest, I can't see the point. I always prefer baggy(宽松的) ones, which are immeasurably more comfortable.

2.How often do you wear jeans?

Basically, every day, I mean, if I don't have to dress formally for an interview or something like that. Formal occasions like that would have certain dress codes(着装要求), and wearing jeans at this time could be impolite. But apart from that, I just wear them all the time. I'd say... in a typical(典型的,常规的) week, there will be at least five days when I wear jeans.

3.Do you like wearing jeans, why?

Of course, especially in spring and autumn, when the temperature is not too high. The way I see it, jeans are probably the most versatile(多面手的,多功能的) clothing in one's closet. Say, if you wear those super-popular designer brands like Evisu, you can easily achieve a really fashionable look.Also, if you wear those dark indigo or even black ones with blazers(单西,西装外套), you can have a smart, business-casual look.

4.Why do you think jeans are popular?

There are multiple reasons. For a start they are made from denim, which, essentially(本质上讲), is just cotton. This is a really comfortable material, but also durable enough to avoid everyday wear and tear . Also, they can match almost all kinds of everyday outfits(外套), like I mentioned just now. What's more, they are usually not that expensive, which means everybody can afford them.

5.Do you spend a lot on jeans?

Not really. Unlike silk shirts or cashmere(羊绒的) coats, jeans are generally inexpensive, as they were originally designed to be worn by industrial workers. But very occasionally, I buy some designer jeans that I'm crazy about, like no more than once a year. And I can wear them for a long time without wearing them out(穿坏,磨破).


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