
时间:2020-07-17 18:22:41 来源:

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1.Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

2.How long have you had your current haircut

3.How often do you have a haircut?

4.Do you like having your hair cut?

5.What's your last haircut?


1.Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

That's more like(更像是,不如说是) every time, ha-ha! You see, I just have this feeling that I have a very different understanding of concepts like 'a LITTLE bit shorter', from, say, ninety-nine percent of hairdressers. They almost always get my fringe(刘海) way too short making me look pretty silly. To be honest, I don't know what their problem is.

2.How long have you had your current haircut

I don't really like to change my haircut style too often, and I think I've kept it this way for the last three or four years . I mean, yeah, there are new hair trends almost every season, but I just don't see the point of(不理解为什么) following them. It's too tiring for me.

3.How often do you have a haircut?

Well, about once a month, sometimes even longer. My hair doesn't grow very fast, compared to my cousin. He goes to the barber's every two weeks cuz otherwise, he'd look like a rock star – I meant no offence(无意冒犯) to them, but, you know what I mean(你懂的). I, however, don't have that problem.

4.Do you like having your hair cut?

Um... If you mean 'do I enjoy having a haircut', then no. I'm not that keen on polishing(抛光,修饰) my appearance. I think it has to be neat and clean, and that's all. I don't really enjoy sitting there for at least half an hour waiting to get my hair cut, as I can't even see anything clearly without my glasses.

5.What's your last haircut?

It was like really short, and that was during my high school, when I found that having short hair could be so much more convenient. It indeed was a bit too boyish(男孩子气的), I guess, my relatives sometimes called me 'tomboy'. But I'm fine with that. Then I decided to have a change and became... Let's say, a bit more chic. And that's when I changed to my current hairstyle.


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