
时间:2020-05-13 21:16:28 来源:

【摘要】 作为毕业生,即将面临的就是找工作。个人简历是找工作时候不可或缺的资料之一,但是很多毕业生在初次找工作时候并不知道如何制作出一份可以吸引眼球的个人简历。考必过为大家精心整理了应聘教师英文简历模板<,希望对大家有所帮助。应聘教师英文简历模板<的详细内容如下:



University of Michigan

May 2014

Bachelor of Arts

Ann Arbor, MI

English and Spanish Double Major

GPA 3.89/4.00

Semester abroad in Spain at the Universidad de Sevilla

Winter 2012

New England Literature Program collaborative learning experience in Maine

Summer 2011


PALMA (Proyecto Avance: Latino Mentoring Association)

Sept. 2012 - Present



Tutored third grade Latino student weekly in mathematics and English reading and writing

Mentored student in negotiating social borders between school and home communities

Thompson Middle School

Sept. 2011 - Dec. 2012

Pre Student Teacher- 7th Grade English

Southfield, MI

Co-taught original lesson plan on poetry with an emphasis on creative writing for two classes ofpredominantly low-income students, differentiating instruction between intensive studies classand primarily special education class

Worked one-on-one with special education students falling behind in class, including studentswith autism and ADHD

Grandville High School Youth Summer Stock

Summer 2010 - 2011


Grandville, MI

Wrote and directed original theatre production for 15+ upper elementary students

Led team of 10 peers in execution of extensive annual summer day camp program

Adapted daily activities and schedule to changing needs of active participants

America Reads

Jan. 2009 - Apr. 2010


Detroit, MI

Planned and executed unique and individualized lesson plans twice weekly for three 3rd gradestudents

Mentored inner-city Detroit students struggling with literacy and various other academic andsocial issues


Basement Arts

Sept. 2012 - Present


Director (Harvey and 24


Michael J. Graham

1812 Elsie Drive

Mount Vernon,

SD 57363

Phone no.


Academic Background

Obtained Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Allegheny University, Allegheny in the year of 1988 at Art Education as the major.

Areas of Excellence

Have an experience as the craft instructor and worked in this sector for last few years.

Have exclusive knowledge as a program coordinator.

Have training and teaching capability and very much capacitated with the curriculum developmental skills.

Professional Qualifications

Obtained Fundamental Education Certificate from the Northeastern University, California.

Obtained Basic and Secondary Education Certificate in Art Education from the Indiana University.

Professional Background

1998- Present date: Work as an art instructor at Murray Regional School, Honolulu with the following work responsibilities

Provide necessary procedures for updated the study syllabus or study curriculum.

Provide essential training for guiding towards aesthetic study.

Supply students the necessary knowledge of history of arts and appreciation.

Supervise the entire studio environment and works.

Provide proper management for preparing and controlling budget and due inventory works.

Initiated and executed the entire curriculum of gifted arts study.

1992- 1995: Acted as the Arts and Crafts program Instructor at the Osborne Educational and Recreational Association with following responsibilities

Initiated and executed various activity programs with various methods of sewing, knitting, sculpting, weaving, enameling, drawing as well as painting.

Provided essential control for departmental budget and purchased and managed different delivers.

Approved school tours with the members for graffiti arts in that time.

1990- 1991: Acted as the Fundamental Skills Teacher in the Bloomington Educational Program with the following work responsibilities

Initiated and executed various methods for life skill education and enhancing career expertise.

Provided necessary teaching classes in reading, math and other oral subjects.


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