
时间:2017-11-14 10:27:29 来源:

【摘要】 思科网权威发布思科认证考试考试模拟题01—19及答案,更多思科认证考试考试模拟题01—19及答案相关信息请访问Cisco认证网。无忧考



Below are questions 1-19. To see an explanation for each question, please refer to the explanation link below the question or select explanations on the navigation bar to the left.Questions1. [OxNx] During a TFTP transfer using Cisco Routers what is the numeric value, in decimal, of the destination port field of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) header?

a) 96b) 47c) a random number above 1024d) 69e) none of the above

2. [CxNx] What is the standard encapsulation method used by Cisco routers for the Internet Protocol (IP) on it’s Ethernet interfaces?a) SNAPb) ARPAc) NOVELL-ETHERd) DARPAe) Ethernet_802.3

3. [CxNx] What will be the correct command on a Cisco router to set the IP address of an interface assuming you are at the "router(config-if)#" prompt?a) ip address ip address ip ip none of the above

4. [CxNx] Which commands will display the IP addresses of all interfaces on a Cisco Router? (Choose all that apply)a) show ip routeb) show ip addressc) show ip interfaced) show interfacee) display ip addresses

5. [CxNx] Which of the following commands will display the contents of the ARP cache of your Cisco router?

a) show ip arp cacheb) show ip routec) show ip arpd) show arpe) there is no way to display the ARP cache

6. [CxNx] Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is the process:

a) Where an IP host resolves it’s IP address by broadcasting it’s MAC address to the network and a BOOTP server assigns it an IP address.b) Where an IP host resolves it’s MAC address by broadcasting to the local network it’s IP address.c) Where an IP host tries to resolve the MAC address of a destination by sending a network broadcast. The destination responds to the broadcast with it’s MAC address.d) Where an IP host resolves a destination IP address by send

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