
时间:2017-11-14 10:25:35 来源:

【摘要】 思科网权威发布CCNA真题基本IOS配置(2),更多CCNA真题基本IOS配置(2)相关信息请访问Cisco认证网。无忧考网为大家收集整理了《CCNA真题基本I



1: In which of the following modes in Cisco's IOS can you issue show commands? (Choose two.) A. User B. Privileged C. Line Configuration D. Global Configuration 2: You are the network administrator for a large corporation. You want to be able to store all your configurations in a centralized location. Which of these servers will allow you to do so? (Choose two.) A. FTP B. TFTP C. SQL D. Oracle 3: You need to troubleshoot your network IP connectivity. Which of the following commands would you use to find the IP address on your Ethernet 0 interface? A. ping B. IPConfig C. traceroute D. Show interface Ethernet 0 4: Which command would you use at the CLI in User mode to enter Privileged EXEC mode? A. Privilege B. Admin C. Enable D. Disable 5: You have just received 14 Catalyst switches for your network. You would like to install these switches into your production network to provide separate collision domains for each of the connected devices. What configuration is required to provide this functionality? A. No configuration is required. B. You must set up an IP address on the switch. C. You must configure unique VLANs on the switches. D. You must install the Cisco IOS.6: Which of the following prompts indicates your router is in Privileged EXEC mode? A. Router> B. Router# C. Router& D. Router$ 7: You have made a console connection to your Cisco Catalyst switch and you see the > symbol in HyperTerminal. What does it mean? A. You are in Privileged EXEC mode. B. You are in User EXEC mode. C. The switch has not been configured. D. The switch is in need of repairs. 8: You would like to assign a meaningful name to your Catalyst switch. What command should you use? A. enable B. host name C. hostname D. name 9: You need to assign an IP add

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