
时间:2020-05-05 14:50:25 来源:

【摘要】 专四专八考试(TEM-8,Test for English Majors-Band 8),自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。下面是2019专四词汇近义词辨析:时代,小编建议有准备参加考试的备考生一定要合理规划时间,仔细阅读相关规定,提前做好考前准备。下面让我们看看2019专四词汇近义词辨析:时代的具体内容:


时代(期) (时期)

period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length. (时代) time(s): It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victoria time (新时代)

epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by events or development of a particular kind. The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind. (纪元)

era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution (时期)

age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age


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