
时间:2017-11-13 16:39:00 来源:

【摘要】 托业网权威发布2013年托业考试真题:阅读部分,更多2013年托业考试真题相关信息请访问托业考试(TOEIC)网。这篇关于2013年托业考试阅读答案


这篇关于2013年托业考试阅读答案,是无忧考网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!There are four underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong.   1. The technology, developed in coal-rich Germany in the 1920s, involves partly burning coal to turn it into a gas, then using a catalyst, usually a metal, make it a liquid.   2. Education should emphasize our interdependence with peoples, with other species and with the planet as a whole.   3. Should we really speak of the breakdown of families when we are perhaps witnessing new family forms and a new social structure arising late capitalism?   4. Public opinion polls have consistently demonstrated the publics willingness for “tradeoff” economic growth for environmental protection.   5. Most of the large industries in the country are well organized and structured and are sometimes backed up internationally reputable mother companies.   答案:   l Make it to make it   l With with other   l Arising arising from   l For to   l Backed up backed up by

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