
时间:2017-11-13 16:38:58 来源:

【摘要】 托业网权威发布历年商业托福考试真题,更多历年商业托福考试真题相关信息请访问托业考试(TOEIC)网。历年商业托福考试真题Direction : In


历年商业托福考试真题Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.

101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the

PCB design conferences.

(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase

102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .

(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy

103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation's R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural

104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with asupervisor's .

(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve

105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable

for the position of senior editor.

(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified

106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.

(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented

107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.

(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident

108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees' files.

(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly

109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.

(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different

110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.

A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) c

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