
时间:2017-11-13 16:38:51 来源:

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你决定去见一个住在145 公里之外的朋友,你会开车去,还是坐火车去?

Choice A: Car

- personal space

- stop when I want

- travel on my schedule

Choice B: train

- company shortens journey

- cheaper

- no traffic jams

Topic sentence

- I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules.

Supporting sentence

- My car is private and comfortable.

- There is room to spread out

- There are stops along the way I would like to make.

Closing sentence (optional)

- I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if at all possible to visit my friend.

I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. My car is private and comfortable. I enjoy my own personal space. When driving alone, I can listen to any radio program I like or put on my favorite CD’s. There s no need for me to pack headphones or equipment in a bag to carry onto public transport. There is room to spread out and I don’t have to worry about my bag being in someone’s way. I find driving more relaxing and it allows me to set the pace of my trip. Occasionally, there are stops along the way I want to make. I would be free, for example, to drop into stores that catch my interest. Generally, when I drive, I can leave any arrive on my own schedule. I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if possible to visit my friends.



- use new skills

- teach responsibility

- develop good habits


- let children be without pressure

- avoid failure at jobs

- focus on studies

Topic sentence

- I agree with the statement and believe that children should be encouraged to help maintain the family home.

First of all, this is how they learn new practical skills and they can practice them immediately while carrying out their chores. By helping in the home children can contribute to the family. Over time this activity builds pride and selfconfidence.Secondly, having work that others are counting on teaches a child responsibility. Throughout the process, a child is building good lifelong habits like cleaning their room. Furthermore, they learn to manage their time. Doing chores teaches children skills and personal satisfaction, which is why I think they should be asked to do them as soon as they are able.



- individual preference

- cultural differences

- familiarity affect beauty


- universal standards

- qualities can differ

- fame, money influence image

Topic sentence

- I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because individuals see the world in their own personal way.

Supporting sentences

- Beauty reflects one’s tastes and opinions.

- Beauty is rooted in one’s preferences mixed with cultural identity

- We perceive people more beautiful as we come to know them better.

Closing sentence (optional)

- The influence of cultural values and personal familiarity is what creates beauty in the eye of the beholder.

I agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because individuals see the world in their own personal way. Beauty, therefore, reflects the tastes and opinions of any individual. This personal view holds true whether beauty is being viewed in a person or an object of art. It is likely that a person’s idea of beauty is rooted in his or her own preferences mixed with his or her own culture. For example, a person might have learned to value external qualities like pale skin or delicate features as well as inner qualities like patience and humor. Another culture might have totally different standards of what is beautiful inside and outside. Nevertheless, I think that we perceive people more beautiful as we come to know them better. Influence of cultural values and personal familiarity is what creates beauty in the eye of the beholder.

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