
时间:2017-11-13 15:16:30 来源:

【摘要】 GRE网权威发布2019年9月18日GRE填空真题回忆,更多2019年9月18日GRE填空真题回忆相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考试网。新东方金牌名师直冲高分


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    1. As a historical genre, biography is best when _____, a careful reconstruction of the past in all its unfamiliar particularity.

    A. introspective

    B. reflective

    C. concrete

    D. concise

    E. meticulous

    F. thorough

    2. Despite the occasional (i)_____ of their venues, the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply (ii)_____conference, each day consisted of nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels enlivened by pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. The only (iii)_____ sensory deprivation of the sessions came from the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.

    A. seclusion

    D. sycophantic

    G. allusion to

    B. opulence

    E. ascetic

    H. ramification of

    C. enormity

    F. mercenary

    I. respite from

    3.There are great_____ in countries’ greenhouse gas emissions, especially in per capita terms: while the United States and China are similar in aggregate emissions, United States per capita emissions are a huge multiple of China’s.

    A. distortions

    B. disparities


    D. advances

    E. variances

    F. vacillations

    4. The building affairs minister rightly recognizes that the current planning system—under which the government controlsevery aspect of construction—creates disastrous developments, but she is wrong to propose the opposite: the wholesale (i)_____ of the building market. Such a complete (ii)_____of responsibility on the part of the state can hardly be in the public’s interest.

    A. liberalization

    D. abnegation

    B. preservation

    E. recapitulation

    C. regulation

    F. accretion

    5. Motivation is the hardest of all managerial tasks, and it is _____ to expect a single memo, no matter how well crafted, to have much effect on the staff’s attitude.

    A. ingenious

    B. reasonable


    D. scrupulous

    E. radical

    6. The notion of film producers as the ogres of the movie business has proved an (i)_____ one, but according to The Producers by Tim Adler, it is not always grounded in reality. Attacking what he calls the “auteur myth”—the idea of the director as the single purveyor of art in an industry otherwise peopled with (ii)_____—he places at the heart of his book an image of the producer, not the director, as the primary (iii)_____ force in the development and production of a movie.(此题在考试时已经改成了双空题)

    A. accurate

    D. visionaries

    G. financial

    B. hypocritic

    E. profitmongers

    H. inertial

    C. enduring

    F. innocents

    I. creative

    7. Since the 1920s, historical fiction writers in China have emancipated the genre from the traditional notion that (i)_____ was the ultimate goal of history writing. Yet the traditional commitment to (ii)_____ was not simply (iii)_____: this new genre was expected to capture the essence of historical truth even as it allowed space for the writer’s imagination.

    A. comprehensiveness

    D. veracity

    G. jettisoned

    B. factuality

    E. thoroughness

    H. rationalized

    C. entertainment

    F. pleasure

    I. acknowledged

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