
时间:2017-11-13 15:14:55 来源:

【摘要】 GRE网权威发布2019年10月30日GRE填空真题回忆,更多2019年10月30日GRE填空真题回忆相关信息请访问GRE留学外语考试网。新东方金牌名师直冲高


  • 新东方金牌名师直冲高分!2019年GRE考试全程课程火热开售中>>

      2019年10月30日GRE填空真题回忆  1. Anthropologist Jane Goodall was _____ in her determination to anthropomorphize the animals she observed with such empathy, and so resisted her editors’ attempts to recast her descriptions in more dispassionate language.  A. fickle
  B. stalwart  
C. solicitous  D. pretentious  E. whimsical  答案:B  解析:and 前后方向一致。And后面Jane Goodall 拒绝编辑以一种更不带感情的语言去编辑她的描述,因此前面半句也要体现她反对不带感情,即她支持要带有感情,因此选B—坚定她决心将那些(怀着共如此共情情绪去观察的)动物人格化的想法。  2. Though acquaintances are first overwhelmed by his ______, they soon appreciate that, contrary to appearances, he is not without self-interest.  A. egotism
  B. magnanimity  C. ambition
  D. profligacy
  E. brilliance  答案:B  解析:Though 让步,因此逗号前后转折,后半句说他并不是无私的,前面半句应该体现无私,选B慷慨大方。

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