【摘要】 下面是2020年新冠病毒英语演讲稿的相关内容,考必过将在疫情期间动态更新考试相关资讯,帮助大家备考,下面让我们一起来看看2020年新冠病毒英语演讲稿的内容吧。
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia cases in China.Investigations found that it was caused by a previously unknown virus – nownamed the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. In this video, we’ll take a quick look atwhat’s currently known about the virus. Keep in mind that this is a new virusand what’s known about the virus now might change in the future.
Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses. They consist of a core ofgenetic material surrounded by an envelope with protein spikes. This gives itthe appearance of a crown. Crown in Latin is called “corona” and that’s howthese viruses get their name.
There are different types of coronaviruses that cause respiratory andsometimes gastrointestinal symptoms. Respiratory disease can range from thecommon cold to pneumonia. And in most people, the symptoms tend to be mild.However, there are some types of coronaviruses that can cause severe disease.These include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus firstidentified in China in 2003 and the Middle East Respiratory Syndromecoronavirus that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012.
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus was first identified in China. It initiallyoccurred in a group of people with pneumonia who’d been associated with aseafood and live animal market in the city of Wuhan. The disease has sincespread from those who were sick to others, including family members and healthcare staff. There are many cases at present and the disease has spread withinChina and also to a number of other countries.
So, where did thevirus come from?
It’s known that coronaviruses circulate in a range of animals. Sometimesthese viruses can make the jump from animals to humans. This is called aspillover and could be due to a range of factors such as mutations in the virusor increased contact between humans and animals. For example, MERS-CoV is knownto be transmitted from camels and SARS-CoV, from civet cats. The animalreservoir of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is not known yet.
How is it transmitted?
The exact dynamics of how the virus is transmitted is yet to bedetermined. In general, respiratory viruses are usually transmitted throughdroplets created when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or throughsomething that has been contaminated with the virus.
People most at risk of infection from the Novel Coronavirus are those inclose contact with animals, such as live animal market workers, and those whoare caring for people infected with the virus, such as family members orhealthcare workers.
So, how does the disease present?
Well, from what is known so far, there can be a number of symptoms rangingfrom mild to severe. There can be fever and respiratory symptoms such as coughand shortness of breath. In more severe cases, there’s been pneumonia, kidneyfailure, and death. The mortality rate is not known yet.
How can we tell whether someone is infected?
The infection can be diagnosed by a test called PCR or Polymerase ChainReaction. This test identifies the virus based on its genetic fingerprint.There is currently no specific medication for the virus and treatment issupportive care. There’s currently no vaccine to protect against the virus.Treatment and vaccines are in development.
How do we preventtransmission of the virus?
This new virus currently has a limited geographic spread. However, thereare a number of standard hygiene practices that have been recommended toprotect against infection and further spread. These include covering your mouthand nose when coughing or sneezing with a medical mask, tissue or flexed elbow;avoiding close contact with those who are unwell; the appropriate use of masksand personal protective equipment, especially in a healthcare setting; washinghands regularly with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand rub. Actions thatcan be taken to prevent infection from an animal source include: avoidingunnecessary unprotected contact with animals; washing hands after contact withanimals or animal products; and ensuring that animal products are cooked thoroughlybefore they’re consumed.
It’s important to stay home if you’re feeling unwell. But if you have afever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and share yourprevious travel history with your healthcare provider.
That’s a quick look at this emerging infectious disease. Given that thisoutbreak is evolving rapidly, what’s known about this virus can change, pleasecheck the websites below for the most up-to-date information.
novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒
genetic material 遗传物质
protein spikes 蛋白质穗
the Middle East respiratory syndrome 中东呼吸综合症
SARS-CoV 非典冠状病毒
spillover 溢出
kidney failure 肾衰竭
polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应
droplets 滴液;飞沫
hygiene 卫生
新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV):the novel coronavirus, a new type of coronavirus
新冠肺炎:the new coronavirus pneumonia
确认新冠状病毒新型冠状病毒:identify the newcoronavirus
易感染新型冠状病毒:be susceptible to the new type of coronavirus
病毒测试呈阳性:test positive for the virus
病毒的传染性:infectiousness of the virus
潜伏期:incubation period
疫情:epidemic situation
严重急性呼吸道综合症:severe acute respiratory syndrome
中东呼吸综合症:Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS)
病毒源头:source of the virus
传播途径:transmission routes
社区传播:community transmission
人传人:human-to-human transmission/spread fromhuman to human
感染机理:infection mechanism
确诊肺炎病例:confirmed cases of pneumonia
被诊断出肺炎:be diagnosed with pneumonia
免疫学检测方法:immunological detection methods
抗体和疫苗研发:develop antibodies and vaccines
发烧、打喷嚏、干咳和呼吸困难等症状:have symptomssuch as fever, fatigue,cough and trouble breathing
严重的呼吸困难:severe breathing difficulties
不去人多的地方:avoid going to crowded spaces
确保室内通风:ensure the shared spaces a good air flow
避免接触有流感或感冒症状的人:avoid close contactwith people having flu or cold-like symptoms
增强免疫系统:strengthen one's immune system
待在家里:stay at home
戴口罩:wear masks
重症病例:cases in critical conditions/ severecases
疑似病例:suspected cases
死亡病例:death cases
追踪密切接触者:trace close contacts
接受医学观察:be under medical observation
结束医学观察:be discharged from medical observation
处于早期阶段的疫情:the outbreak at an early stage
定点医院:designated hospitals
出院:be discharged from hospital
抗击肺炎疫情:combat the pneumonia outbreak
肺炎疫情防控:the prevention and control of theoutbreak of pneumonia
抑制新冠病毒的传播:curb the spread of the novel coronavirus防止疫情扩散蔓延:prevent the spread of the epidemic
内防扩散、外防输出:internal nonproliferation and externalnonproliferation
加大力度遏制疫情:contain the outbreak through intensifiedefforts
必要的协调预防和控制工作:necessarycoordinated prevention and control efforts
病毒监控和隔离措施:virus monitoring and quarantine measures
扭转病例增加的趋势:reverse the trend of an increasingnumber of cases
国家卫生健康委员会:the National Health Commission
高级别专家组组长:head of a high-level expert team
呼吸系统疾病杰出专家:a prominent expert in respiratorydiseases
流行病学首席科学:chief epidemiologist
启动重大突发公共卫生事件Ⅰ级响应:scale up the level-one response to majorpublic health emergencies
暂停全部省际道路客运:suspend all interprovincial roadpassenger transport
消除社会恐慌:eliminate social panic
缓解床位短缺:ease the shortage of beds