
时间:2020-03-18 14:39:27 来源:网络

【摘要】 下面是2020年GRE热点形近词汇-1的相关内容,考必过将在疫情期间动态更新考试相关资讯,帮助大家备考,下面让我们一起来看看2020年GRE热点形近词汇-1的内容吧。


1. impudent / imprudent

  impudent: very rude

  imprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent

  2. insolent / indolent / redolent

  insolent: rude or impolite

  indolent: not liking to work or be active

  redolent: causing thoughts or memories of something

  3. witty / witting

  witty: funny and clever

  witting: cognizance / news

  4. discernible / discerning

  discernible: able to be identified as separate and distinct

  discerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly

  and intelligently

  5. exhaustive / exhausted

  exhaustive: including all possibilities: very thorough

  exhausted: be tired out or worn out

  6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advert

  aver: to say something in a very strong and definite way

  avert: to prevent (something bad) from happening

  averse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste

  avow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way

  advent: second coming

  advert: announcement; notification

  7. feckless / reckless

  feckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsible

  reckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions

  8. mean / mien

  mien: a person’s appearance or facial expression

  9. humdrum / conundrum

  humdrum: dull, boring, and ordinary

  conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem

  10.immune / immure / inure

  immure: to enclose within or as if within walls

  inure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant


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