
时间:2017-11-13 14:23:56 来源:

【摘要】 PETS网权威发布2017年全国英语等级考试二级单项选择题及答案,更多2017年全国英语等级考试二级单项选择题及答案相关信息请访问公共英语等级


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    第一节 单项填空


    (1)-0h no! I put my bag downhere,but now it’s gone. - __________.Shall I call the police?

    A. Excuseme

    B. Oh,dear

    C. Noproblem

    D. OK

    (2)Why don’t you start out early __________ you don’thave to hurry?

    A. notuntil

    B. sincethen

    C. sothat

    D. as if

    (3)Hard as he tried,he still __________ not get the accident out of his mind.

    A. might

    B. should

    C. could

    D. would

    (4)When __________ into anotherlanguage,the poem reads strange.

    A. havingtranslated

    B. translated

    C. totranslate

    D. translating

    (5)I need your advice——which computer to buy.

    A. on

    B. for

    C. to

    D. with

    (6)一Do you like the bookSidney gave you?一Very much.It’s exactly__________I wanted.

    A. what

    B. which

    C. that

    D. how

    (7)A storm buried Illinois underseveral inches of snow Tuesday,__________at least 100 peopledead in traffic accidents.

    A. toleave

    B. leave

    C. left

    D. leaving

    (8)Whichever way you look at__________,joining the Olympic Games can be an outstanding achievementfor anyone.

    A. that

    B. it

    C. one

    D. this

    (9)一Sorry to bother you.This is the fifth floor,isn’t it?一Yes,it is.Where __________?

    A. doyou stay

    B. areyou from

    C. doyou want to be

    D. areyou

    (10)David won’t be home untilnext month.Oh,__________ too soon—herehe is now!

    A. willspeak

    B. speak

    C. havespoken

    D. hadspoken

    (11)I'm against the idea__________ the woman’s place is in the kitchen.

    A. where

    B. which

    C. that

    D. how

    (12)The journey should onlytake about 30 minutes,but __________ it usually takes anhour.

    A. inturn

    B. ingeneral

    C. intime

    D. infact

    (13)The better I get to knowLisa,__________ I like her.

    A. themore

    B. themuch

    C. thebest

    D. themost

    (14)一What did Mr.Jones do before he came to this company?一He __________ a city bus for over twenty-five years.

    A. isdriving

    B. drove

    C. hasdriven

    D. drives

    (15)一My birthday falls on__________ Saturday this year. 一Good!We’ll have time for a big party.

    A. a;/

    B. the;/

    C. a;the

    D. /;the

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