
时间:2017-11-13 14:10:58 来源:

【摘要】 翻译网权威发布2014年初级英语翻译口译资格证书笔译考试真题,更多2014年初级英语翻译口译资格证书笔译考试真题相关信息请访问英语翻译资格



Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points)

Passage 1 :

Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?

Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.

Passage 2 :

For many years the United States and other nations used gold and silver money. Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values didn’t change until after 1860 when mines in the west of the United States began to produce large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused its price to fall. No longer would fifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold. In 1871, Germany declared that it would no longer support its paper money with silver. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.

Part B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( two passages, each 25 points )

Passage 1 :


Passage 2 :



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