
时间:2017-11-13 13:48:17 来源:

【摘要】 托福网权威发布2019年12月17日托福真题:托福写作真题,更多2019年12月17日托福真题相关信息请访问托福考试(TOEFL)网。 table{


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  阅读:build solar roads by paving glass, glass can absorb the sun’s energy and translate into electricity. Oppose

  1. It is not a logical place. The roads are flat, not tilted.

  2. Glass is not safe, especially in wet or icy condition

  3. Will be very expensive.


  1. It will be more efficient. The solar panel will produce more energy. It will reflect the sun in cloudy days not just in one direction but in many different directions.

  2. Anew kind of glass will solve the problem. The engineers have already researched for it, it will also useful in wet days.

  3. The solar roads will produce more power which can be sold to other counties; its revenue can be the cost.


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household chores.

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